Pacifier yes or no? Pros and cons

Pacifier yes or no? This is the dilemma! All mothers know how useful it can be: sucking the pacifier automatically calms the baby, it is a natural mechanism for him. Already in the belly the fetus shows the instinct to suck, it happens that it sucks the thumb, and it is that same instinct, then that pushes it to attach itself to the mother's breast or to the bottle.

The act of sucking is highly gratifying for the newborn, both from a physical and psychological point of view, it helps him to feel more protected and not suffer from loneliness. However, we must be very careful not to abuse it and not to prolong its use too much. If for some orthodontists the pacifier could create problems with the teeth, for the child neuropsychiatrists, however, the real damage would be of a psychological nature. Where is the truth in this debate? Should we say yes or no to the pacifier? Let's find out together the pros and cons and draw the necessary conclusions. Meanwhile, here is our Nanny Simona's advice on how to remove the baby's pacifier:

Pacifier yes: here are all the pros!

There are several reasons for saying yes to the pacifier, beyond the most obvious - namely its undisputed ability to help the baby calm down and fall asleep more easily, especially in cases of colic. However, the pacifier can have even more valid functions: it can, for example, protect the baby from the risk of cot death, after the first month of life.

In fact, it would be better to start using the pacifier from 4 weeks onwards, when the breastfeeding phase is now well underway and the use of the pacifier can no longer interfere with learning how to suckle the breast. In these cases, indeed, the pacifier is useful to prevent the baby from constantly looking for the breast.

Furthermore, babies born prematurely will be able to derive an additional advantage from the pacifier: it will help them to favor an "independent feeding. The sucking of the pacifier will in fact be a sort of" school "to learn to suck and swallow and therefore to feed on mother's milk when they are still unable to latch on to the breast and are fed with a tube Finally, in intensive care, the pacifier is used as a sort of analgesic.

Here is our selection of the best pacifiers on offer on Amazon:

  • Set 2 Pacifiers 0-3 months Philips Avent - € 9.99 (17% discount)
  • Set of 2 pacifiers 0-2 months MAM - € 6.73
  • Set 2 ultra-soft pacifiers 0-6 months Philips Avent - € 11.83
  • Set of 2 pacifiers 6-16 months MAM - € 6.73

See also

Pacifier: practical tips for moms (and dads)

How to remove the pacifier: the 5 rules to follow!

Car weaning: here are the pros and cons for the baby

Pacifier no: here are all the cons!

What are the reasons for saying no to the pacifier? First of all, care must be taken that pacifier sucking does not become a vice for the child, a real addiction: the child must be able to calm down even without the need for a pacifier. If this tool becomes indispensable, it means that there is indeed a problem. We should therefore avoid abusing it: the ideal would be to remove the pacifier from the child afterwards. a year of life.

According to what many doctors say, even if the mechanism has not yet been well explained, the pacifier would lead to the onset of otitis, probably due to the reflux of nasopharyngeal secretions in the Eustachian tube, caused by the suction. that prolonged sucking can lead to problems of misalignment of the teeth, while - unlike what is often said - it does not create problems if used in the first months of life.

If, on the contrary, the pacifier is used beyond three years (to be considered a sort of maximum "expiration" for its use), serious problems could in fact occur in the development of the jaw and teeth, with possible malocclusions due to the fact that the sucking brings the upper jaw forward.

Further damage caused by the pacifier, if used indefinitely, is the development of bad swallowing with associated breathing problems, dangerous for the baby's health. If, on the other hand, it is used in the first month of life, it can lead to gastrointestinal infections.

So, ultimately ... pacifier yes or no?

In short, you will have understood well that - as in all things - the important thing is not to overdo it and act with knowledge of the facts. become a kind of "cork" to put in his mouth every time he cries! This would lead him to develop a real addiction and generate trauma on a psychological level. It will therefore be good to ask yourself, from time to time, why the baby cry and look for to resolve the situation without immediately resorting to the pacifier.

Many pediatricians argue that it is better to let the baby suck his thumb instead. It is in fact a gratification that is capable of offering itself and ends up using it only when it is actually needed, without implying psychic dependence relationships with the parent who manages the pacifier-object and of which the child often tries only to recall attention.

We therefore say yes to the use of the pacifier, but in a limited way. Any prolonged and constant use actually has - as we have listed in the cons - negative consequences on the health of the child, the development of the teeth and the palate. It will also always be necessary to choose a suitable pacifier, preferably in silicone during the first months of life and in rubber when the teeth come out because it is more resistant.

And remember, between two and three years it is always good to take the pacifier off. Sometimes the child will do it spontaneously, other times he will need to be guided, but the important thing is that it is not a sudden interruption, but a gradual one.

See also: All the situations experienced by a new mother

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