Begin therapy

When to go to a specialist?
If the difficulties that may require psychological help are different, there are no good or bad reasons to consult a psychologist, and the best thing is to start therapy as soon as you feel the first symptoms of discomfort. Among the most frequent reasons we find:

• Some personal difficulties, malaise, anxiety, persistent stress, a temporary or more serious depression. In short, a general unhappiness.
• Trials that are difficult to overcome, such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness, a professional failure, a separation ...
• A difficult relationship with others: family conflicts, at work, in the couple or other problems integrating into society.
• Sexual problems: disagreements in the couple, lack of desire, infidelity.
• For a personal evolution: learn more about your strengths and weaknesses, discover some blocks, better orient your life and make some decisions.

Too often, one gets the impression that one's problems are fleeting or that it is possible to deal with them with the help of family and friends. Worse still, some people prefer to isolate themselves in solitude. Yet, the help of a specialist can prove to be indispensable to address the crisis and overcome it.
Also know that effective therapy lasts over time, taking place in 6 - 18 months. And if the problems discovered turn out to be more persistent than expected, psychoanalysis can be recommended as a supportive therapy. As for the frequency of the sessions, between one and three sessions per week are to be provided, depending on the case.

See also

Apathy: symptoms, causes and therapy to overcome it

Pet therapy: what it is and what are the benefits of therapy with animals

Being anaffective: causes and therapy to be undertaken

Which therapy to choose?
From depression to panic attacks and problems in relationships, the types of therapy to treat these disorders are different. We talk about 6 groups of psychotherapy:

Interpretation therapies: these include brief psychoanalytic psychotherapies and psychoanalytic psychodramas. They try to cure the root causes of a specific disorder or, quite simply, help the patient who wants to fulfill himself in his own life.

Behavioral and cognitive therapies: allow you to treat phobias, tics, eating disorders, depression and some addictions.

Group psychotherapies: allow participants to compare their own functioning with that of others, improve their self-confidence and learn to integrate better (shyness, social phobia, aggressiveness ...).

Family therapies: are aimed at children who have severe disorders (psychotic disorders, eating behavior) and their families, on which the disorder affects.

Gestalt therapy: it is a psychophysical therapy that aspires to re-establish a balanced relationship between the individual and his environment, in a "holistic" perspective.Thanks to this method, people who suffer from psychosomatic disorders or who wish to better assimilate a particular situation such as bereavement or separation, can follow a personal development therapy. NLP and hypnosis are also part of psychophysical therapies.

The transversal psychotherapies: sophrology, reflexology, relaxation act through the body to calm certain ailments such as anguish and stress.

How to choose your psychologist?
To begin a therapy, it is not advisable to leave it to chance or to resort to the yellow pages. Ask your doctor or loved ones for advice, who may have names for you. But beware: even if a psychologist is suitable for your best friend, it does not mean that it will be suitable for you too.
Do not hesitate to meet various specialists and to inquire at the associations that bring them together.
After the first consultation, some questions remain to be asked: is there a good feeling? Did he manage to touch you and make you talk? Did it inspire confidence in you? Will your reports be confidential?
Don't forget: the therapist-patient relationship is essential to the success of the sessions and therefore to healing. Also, don't forget to ask him from the start which method he uses and what he specializes in. And finally, pay attention to the so-called "modern" methods, which promise short-term results and ask you to participate in speaking groups, otherwise called, of the sects.

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