5 tricks (which you still don't know) for always perfect make-up

We all love to play with nuances, textures, even daring combinations to enhance ourselves to the fullest through make-up. But in addition to the products, what often makes the difference are also the gestures as well as some small - but very useful - tricks that can make the make-up flawless and lasting.

Let's see some of them together, but without first taking a look at this video that will explain how to best prepare your skin for make-up.

Arm yourself now with your pen and notebook and take note of these simple tricks, which will facilitate you in the moment of the make-up and will make it fast, effective and long-lasting ... In a word: IMPECCABLE.

See also

How to always be flawless: tips for perfect make-up

Make-up for big eyes: infallible techniques for a perfect make-up

Makeup for those who wear glasses: all the tips for a perfect make-up!

© iStock

1. Glitter powder: a multifunctional must have

Sparkling powder is a must-have product that can lend itself to different (and ingenious) uses. Applied with a brush on the lashes, before mascara, it helps to make them thicker and thicker.
On the lips, on the other hand, it has a volumizing effect: lipstick is applied, the mouth is covered with a tissue that absorbs the excess and the powder is applied with a brush.

2. Warm up the curler before using it

Use the hair dryer to warm the end of the curler, wait a few seconds for it to cool down - otherwise you could burn yourself - and use it. You will see that your lashes will curl much easier and the curl will last longer.

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3. Brush your mouth

Not in the sense of teeth, which certainly must always be clean, but of lips! After the oral hygiene, gently brush the lips with the brush, in order to eliminate the cuticles and make the skin softer and smoother. At this point, before applying the lipstick, nourish them with a specific balm, they will also appear more turgid and no one will be able to resist

4. Apply some concealer around the lips

Still on the subject of lips, together with the pencil that defines cupid's bow, another trick to enhance the mouth is to apply a little concealer around the area, especially near the lower lip, where there is often redness. blackheads, enlarged pores and discoloration.

© iStock

5. Nail polish: do not shake!

Often with the conviction of making the nail polish more homogeneous, perhaps after a period of inactivity, we begin to shake the bottle very vigorously. Do not do it! In fact, this gesture can cause air bubbles inside the enamel which then compromise its application and duration.

The right move to do is to take the bottle in your hands and rub them while keeping the nail polish firmly between them. Can't you be precise in applying the nail polish? Here is a last tip: this little accessory, the Twwxy Nail Polish Holder, can change your life and make you a perfect nail expert!

© Troppotogo

And if you are undecided about the color of nail polish to apply, look in this gallery for a roundup of manicures that follow the beauty trend of the moment: the metal look.

Tags:  Old-Luxury Beauty Properly