How to keep fit? 30 simple tips to follow

To stay in shape you don't need to impose strict diets or play sports three hours a day. In fact, some healthy habits allow you to stay in shape without particular efforts or privations. Indeed, these simple rules allow you to feel better about yourself and therefore to face stress and daily commitments more serenely. Seeing is believing!

Eat an apple before each meal

The fibers contained in the apple increase satiety by limiting the intake of calories.

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Choose wholemeal bread with cereals

A true source of energy and fiber, depending on its composition, it provides vitamins and minerals.

Add the spices instead of the oil

Spices add flavor to food without adding fat.

Drink a glass of water before each meal

Water swells the stomach and makes you full by reducing appetite.

See also: Foods that are good for your skin: how to improve your facial skin by eating!

© iStock Foods that are good for the skin

Drink a total of one and a half liters of water a day

Drinking plenty of water doesn't make you lose weight but it's a great way to quench your appetite, since water offers a feeling of fullness, without calories.

Avoid drinking with meals

Water helps to increase the volume of the food bolus and tends to produce a bloated sensation.

Brush your teeth early in the evening

Brushing your teeth immediately after dinner will avoid giving in to the temptation to eat again.

Don't skip meals

Doing so slows down your metabolism and prevents you from burning calories.

No fasting after eating too much

After a period of excess, do not skip meals and eat lightly to try to gradually resume eating well.

Accompany your meal with some salad.

A good alternative to enrich your dish in a light and refreshing way.

See also: Iron rich foods: list of the most common

© iStock Foods rich in iron: spinach

Avoid sweetening hot drinks

If you really lack the sweet taste of sugar, replace it with natural sweeteners, such as the stevia plant, a natural calorie-free sweetener.

Choose dark chocolate

Prefer 85% dark chocolate, it contains less sugar than milk and white chocolate.

Eat the bread

Don't take bread out of your diet to avoid snacking in the afternoon.

Don't eat pasta in the evening

Avoid starchy foods and fruit at dinner so as not to store fat on your stomach and buttocks in the evening.

Choose foods with a low glycemic content

Consuming high CG foods leads to not using fat as our second energy source and helps create new ones. Indirectly therefore, it helps to gain weight.

See also: Low glycemic index foods to lose weight without sacrifices

© iStock Low glycemic index diet: recommended foods

Eat dried fruit

Dried fruit is quickly filling. A valid substitute for biscuits and pastries to satisfy the appetite without doing damage.

Avoid cheeses in the evening

They are too caloric and you don't have time to dispose of them before going to sleep.

Try not to keep sweets and snacks in the cupboards

The only way not to fall into temptation is to have none at hand.

Don't skip breakfast

By eating well for breakfast you will avoid nibbling before lunch.

Have a light meal in the evening

Calories are not burned while sleeping. Weight gain is easier at night.

Chew slowly

By taking small bites and chewing food slowly you help digestion and accelerate the sense of satiety.

Alternate between water and tea throughout the day to detoxify the body

Green tea has a significant draining role that greatly promotes hydration and deflation. 24. Shop on a full stomach to avoid temptation.

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

Go shopping on a full stomach to avoid temptation

To avoid temptations in plain sight in the windows of bakeries and pastry shops, it is best not to go shopping on an empty stomach.

Treat yourself to a little pleasure

A little pleasure once or twice a week allows you not to feel frustrated

Avoid eating in front of the computer

Even if the break time is short it will do you good to go out for the meal.

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