Aries: characteristics and personalities of the first sign of the zodiac

We are between March and April, exactly at the beginning of spring, when new buds begin to sprout and the city is flooded with an intoxicating scent of flowers. It is from this moment that the season of Aries begins, symbol of new beginnings. Impulsiveness, courage and thirst for adventure: these are some of the distinctive elements of this sign. Whether you believe in horoscope and astrology or not, we are sure that curiosity will dominate and, if you were born between March 21 and April 20, you will surely want to find out more about the first of the zodiac signs!

Since Arietian personalities are quite agitated, watch this video and find out which is the most suitable stress reliever for each of the signs of the zodiac!

The character of Aries

The first sign of the zodiac is recognized by the enthusiastic, courageous and always ready to embark on new adventures personality. Ambitious and with an iron will, during his life he will do everything to excel in every field: it is no coincidence, in fact, that in astrology he is the first sign of the zodiac.

Aries is also known for his propensity to make loved ones happy: he willingly bends over backwards for others and is among the most generous signs of the zodiac. Faults? He is stubborn and tires quickly. He talks too much rather than listening. And woe to make him angry ... impatient and instinctive, he is known for his outbursts (complete with throwing cymbals)!

See also

Aries ascendant: personality and main characteristics

April zodiac sign: are you Aries or Taurus?

Aries Leo ascendant: a fiery personality

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Being a fire sign, Aries is instinctive, full of ardor and energy; he is courageous and spontaneous, yet undisciplined. The boundless self-confidence will push him to take great risks. For him there are no loopholes and, often, not even the consequences. In fact, it is only the impulse that dominates. His reactions are swift and immediate, which suggests rather frequent quarrels and discussions.

Highly capable at work and greedy for power, "Aries will live at the rate of one" idea per second. But will he have the material time to make them all? Not always!

As for the love aspect, we can say that his love life will be in his image and likeness, full of struggles, passion and ardor. To achieve equilibrium in this field he will have to curb his own tendency to want to dominate the other and cultivate values ​​such as perseverance and patience. A compromise that is not easy knowing his legendary head shots ...

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The zodiacal profile of Aries

Element: Fire
Complementary and opposite sign: Libra
Sign: male
Metal: iron
Ruling planet: Mars
Body part: head
Perfume: myrrh
Age of life: birth
Period of the year: March / April
Symbolic phrase: I am

Love and sex

Charismatic and passionate, Aries are great amateurs, known for their skills under the sheets, where they are often fiery and tireless just like the Scorpios, with whom they could share a "bed" friendship. While they love to hang out and surround themselves with people, they are actually quite reserved and only get intimate when they really fall in love.

Those born under this sign give great importance to the "aesthetic aspect of the people with whom they decide to start dating, but there is no surprise." They themselves, in fact, love to take care of themselves and their body and want to have at their side a person who shares this inclination. Being animated by an energetic and tireless character, they want to share their passions with their partner, but at the same time, their independent nature often pushes them to carve out moments only for themselves.

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Another characteristic trait of people born between March 21 and April 20 is their tendency to be jealous of the people they care about. It is not in their nature to share friends and, above all, life companions with others.

As for the affinity, there are several zodiac signs with which Aries could easily establish a love relationship, such as the signs of air, Gemini and Aquarius, both free spirits. In general, the combination with the signs of fire and earth (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) can also work, with which it shares values ​​such as loyalty, commitment and ambition but not habituality. The mix with the water signs is less appropriate, especially Pisces and Cancer, too sentimental and sensitive for a temperament like his.

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The profession

When it comes to Aries, you need to know that only two things could kill them: boredom and routine. They never sit still and the desk is definitely not the place for them. Works of creativity and imagination are favored, both related to children and to the world of communication and media. They should preferably work on their own ... having a boss is certainly not an Aries thing!

Possible health problems for Aries

The first of all the zodiac signs is known for being nervous and restless and these characteristics make it prone to developing headaches and muscle pain due to excessive tension. To prevent these health problems from taking over, dear Aries, we recommend that you calm down, possibly dedicating yourself to meditation sessions!

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The Aries woman

Slender and self-confident, the Aries woman has an elegant bearing and a proud walk. It is impossible to scratch her life force and that is why we often see her sporting a beautiful smile steeped in malice and irony.

Women born between March 21 and April 20 have the spirit of born activists and love to devote themselves to the most diverse causes. The role of the housewife does not suit an Aries woman, who, on the contrary, loves dynamic and enterprising professions.

When he falls in love, he lives the feeling with transport and a lot of passion. But it must be true love, otherwise it tends to change chapters very quickly. If injured, she suffers profoundly and may take a long time to recover. When he makes a mistake but wants to make up for his mistakes, he fights to the end to win back his partner.

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The Aries man

The Aries man is always in a hurry, walks quickly and climbs the stairs four steps at a time. With each movement it is possible to observe the infinite dose of energy and vitality. The smile with which he faces life is bewitching. The Aries man is hungry for experiences and fun and is always ready to get involved. In general, however, he has a simple character and his reactions are spontaneous and immediate. He has as many friends as enemies, given the lack of elasticity of his opinions .

From a professional point of view, men born between March 21 and April 20 are naturally predisposed to action, creation and power. Politics fascinates them but they are not diplomatic enough to devote themselves to it; however, they could confidently preside over a movement they founded in which they military with courage. A talented lawyer, excellent jurist, the Aries man is inclined to be successful in business and, why not? Start his own business. more towards commandos and special teams, he is also suited to the medical professions: many Aries, in fact, are surgeons, dentists and veterinarians.

But how does the Aries man love? To give us the answer is the horoscope, that is, with generosity and enthusiasm. He is the leading specialist in love at first sight and knowing looks that make your heart beat faster. How can you resist so much charm? But if you keep him on your toes for too long, he will quickly turn his attention to a less indecisive partner. She adores the children with whom she shares the immense joy of living!

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The symbolic image of Aries

An animal with curved horns, Aries is associated with the sun, fertility and prosperity. Aries is fearless, a true leader. Ruled by Mars, the God of war, Aries is not afraid to fight and fight for their own ideals and ideas. They live in the present moment and are always on the move: they do not tolerate slowness and hesitation. Astrology does it. he wants impulsive and with his nerves on the edge of his skin.

What does it mean to have the ascendant in Aries

In astrology, the ascendant corresponds to the zodiac sign that rises at the precise moment in which we are born, or the point of the zodiac that meets the terrestrial horizon to the east during birth. The ascendant, together with the sun (ego) and the moon ( subconscious) is quite relevant because it can significantly affect our personality. It determines, in fact, the first impression we give of ourselves to those around us. Now that we understand what it is, we can answer the initial question. Having the ascendant in Aries , therefore, it means recovering some of those that are the main characteristics of this fire sign, such as courage, enthusiasm, security, but also, alas, defects, among which we can include irascibility, impatience and aggression. Being a strong personality, it is very likely that, if your ascendant is in Aries, your character is strongly influenced by this astral conformation

Don't know your ascendant? Click here to find out!

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The birthstone of Aries

Those born between March 21 and April 20 have more than one birthstone. Several, in fact, are the stones that are associated with this sign of fire by astrology. Often these stand out for the color, typically red, a shade that is traditionally associated with passion, sensuality and impetus, three characteristics intrinsically linked to arietine personality. Here are some of them: red coral, ruby, jasper and carnelian.

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The stars born under the sign of Aries

Among the stars, Italian and foreign, born under the sign of "Aries we find:
Sarah Jessica Parker, Reese Whiterspoon, Charles Baudelaire, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Simona Ventura, Elena Sofia Ricci, Cesare Cremonini and many more!

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