Lady Diana: the latest revelations 20 years after her tragic death

We all remember all too well the death of the wonderful Princess Diana. The princess, known by all as Lady D. was the wife of Prince Charles, heir to the throne of England, from 1981 to 1996. A woman who had conquered the whole world with her class and elegance that seems to reflect a lot in Kate Midlleton , wife of Prince William. On the night of August 31, 1997 Diana Spencer lost her life in a tragic car accident. Numerous hypotheses and speculations have been made about the causes of the accident: even some conspiracy theories involve members of the royal family who, it would seem , they wanted to get rid of an "uncomfortable" character like Lady D. Yet, the case seemed closed some time ago:

20 years after Diana's death, new shocking revelations

The "umpteenth document on Lady Diana, almost twenty" years after her death, once again creates havoc around this beloved character, an icon of style and elegance. In some recordings, in fact, Lady D. talks about her life as a princess and it would seem anything but roses and flowers. In the recordings we talk about a flat and loveless marriage, Diana also adds that the figure of Camilla Parker Bowles, now wife of the Prince of Wales In the recordings, Lady Diana lets herself go and unleashes her frustrations, her moments of weakness and talks about all the problems that inevitably led to the divorce with Charles.

See also

7 things you didn't know about Lady D that will blow your mind

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© Getty Lady Diana and her son Henry

Camilla, an ever present woman

Diana tells how Camilla was a figure too present in her marriage. Always by Carlo's side, a woman he never wanted to give up. We can only imagine Lady D's frustration and the shadow of betrayal that crept into her mind. But then again, to err is human, and the princess herself reveals the existence of a mysterious love while she was still married.

© Getty Camilla and Carlo

A story that raises new doubts about Diana's worldwide case. 20 years after his death, there are still too many unanswered questions. Let's just hope that Lady D., wherever she is now, is happy.

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