False people: a guide to recognize them and remove them from your life

Surrounding yourself with genuine and honest people is anything but easy. In fact, acquaintances, colleagues and even those we consider our friends can wear a mask, or pretend to be what they are not, very often to derive personal benefits through our frequentation. Today we will discover how false people can be recognized and how it is possible to remove them from our life. All this makes us understand how precious true friendship is: so why not say phrases like these more frequently to our best friends?

When one can speak of a false person

We normally think that fake people are the liars, that is, who lie about anything for the most varied reasons. However, this can only be one type of individuals who behave in an inauthentic and sincere way. In fact, when we talk about fake friends or acquaintances we mean all those who seem to wear a mask to disguise their values, what they think and what they really are in the eyes of others. They display a kind and affable attitude which, however, hides their real nature.

In general, depending on the case, false people can have narcissistic, ambiguous, irritable and manipulative traits, but they always have at least two characteristics in common. First, they don't really care about emotional relationships, because they have to constantly benefit from it. Then, they tend to be envious of the happiness or success of others, in any area.

See also

Negative people: how to recognize them and remove them from your life

Phrases about false people: the most truthful quotes about falsehood

14 tips to turn the page and write a new chapter in your life

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The signs to recognize the hypocrites

Even if we sometimes don't notice it, every fake person assumes certain attitudes that can help us unmask them. Let's see what are the most obvious signs to recognize hypocritical acquaintances and friends.

1. They are full of themselves

False people display a huge ego towards others. Thus, they love to show off, brag about their talents or the results they have achieved in the workplace or in private life. Often, however, all these reasons for pride are the result of their own mental construction, with lies and lies concocted specifically for draw attention to oneself and feel at the center of the interest of others.Usually, this mania for self-importance and even deceit comes from low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in one's own abilities.

2. They speak ill of the absent

When we hear someone speak ill of an absentee, we always ask ourselves what they can ever say behind us as soon as we turn around. In fact, false and hypocritical individuals are experts in gossiping: every opportunity is good to highlight a defect or to make a criticism of those who are not there, perhaps by telling anecdotes that are not always truthful or very personal about the absentee in question. . You should never trust those who behave like this because as soon as we are absent, we will become the center of the conversation and certainly in an unkind way. This sneaky and calculating behavior is a self-defense mechanism. False people use it to try to hide their own flaws and be perfect in the eyes of others, discrediting others.

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3. They completely lack self-criticism

We have already said that inauthentic people are arrogant and full of themselves, but this attitude hides the other side of the coin, which is a total absence of self-criticism. This characteristic is especially typical of narcissistic individuals and even the most experienced ones struggle to disguise it. because they do not tolerate any kind of criticism and, as soon as they feel "threatened" by a negative opinion about themselves or their work, they go "to" attack. In fact, they are interested in appearance and not in their essence. They do not want to improve and suffer from being told what their limitations are. Therefore, they are always ready to blame others and not recognize their own mistakes.

4. Champions of respectability

Another obvious sign to unmask fake people is their fake respectability. What does it mean? It means that these subjects are always ready to dictate rules upon rules or to propose impeccable and excessively rigorous behavior, criticizing anyone who does not fit into these patterns. However, they are themselves the first to do the opposite of what they say, even in a cunning and devious way. This fake respectability is also dictated by the fact that fake people tend to have no real values ​​to cling to and respect.

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5. They love to give fake compliments

How happy are we to receive a compliment? In any case, it is useless to deny it. We must be careful, however, to be able to distinguish true and authentic compliments from shamelessly false ones. The latter, in fact, are done excessively and out of context. Fake people try to compliment anything, sometimes even embarrassing the recipient. They can compliment everything: on a new pair of shoes, on the haircut, on a photo posted on social media or on a milestone achieved in the workplace. All these congratulations are, however, forced and it is possible to recognize the falsity from the tone of the voice and from different movements of the face. Liars tend to pucker their lips too much while talking and get an almost pained expression on their face. Observing such details can help mask hypocrisy.

How to deal with fake people

False people undoubtedly fall into the category of so-called "toxic subjects", which can seriously damage our lives, at least from a psychological point of view. It is not easy to relate to such individuals, because once you discover their falsehood, you will no longer be able to take them seriously. Many believe that the only weapon available is to respond to hypocrisy with other hypocrisy: by doing so, you will build a relationship of friendship or completely false knowledge, made up of fake compliments, of speaking badly behind others' backs and bragging rights. However, behaving in the same false way lowers us to the level of the hypocrite.

For this reason, we recommend two solutions. The first is to directly confront the "friend in question" by "unmasking" him and making him notice his artificial attitudes. Ask him why he behaves this way and why he feels the need to pass for a person other than who he really is. being surrounded by too many "masks and no faces" in your life, you can remove these subjects, limiting their frequentation. Dealing with false people is not good and can have a very negative impact on our daily life. no one can be forced not to lie and to be truly himself. In that case, all you have to do is take a step back and distance yourself to safeguard the most important person: you.

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Famous phrases about fake people

Even the great authors have reflected on hypocrisy, on the masks behind which many hide and, in general, on false people. We have collected their best phrases and quotes on this subject.

Worse than a liar there is only a liar who is also a hypocrite.
Tennessee Williams

There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy: hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.
Frederick William Robertson

The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.
William Hazlitt

True obscurantism does not consist in preventing the spread of what is true, clear and useful, but in putting what is false into circulation.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Everyone says they are friends, but crazy who trusts them; nothing is more common than the name, nothing rarer than the thing.
Jean de La Fontaine

You will learn the hard way that in the long journey of life you will meet many masks and few faces.
Luigi Pirandello

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Hypocrisy is not a weapon of the hypocrite, but his prison.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their life an imitation, their passions a quote.
Oscar Wilde

There are no people more acid than those who are sweet out of interest.
Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues

Then see the friend. If he is truly your friend, he rejoices in your good fortune unreservedly. But if he is not really your friend, the worm of envy enters his heart and gnaws at him.
Alberto Moravia

Dishonest people hide their faults from themselves and others, honest people know them and confess them.
Christian Nestell Bovee

There are so many fake diamonds in this life that pass for real, and vice versa.
William Makepeace Thackeray

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