How to treat dry skin on the legs, causes and remedies

The legs are one of the strong points of women and in the summer they want to be exhibited! Remember to give them the right attention also during the rest of the year, otherwise in the summer months it will not be so pleasant to uncover, due to annoying imperfections. Start with a good diet at the table and some specific exercises able to counteract the appearance of cellulite: the video shows you the simplest ones that you can comfortably carry out at home.

What is dry skin

The scientific term is cutaneous Xerosis, but you know it as dry skin: it occurs when the content of water and sebum present in the most superficial layer of the epidermis is decidedly lower than it should be and falls below a phosological threshold. limit.
A dry or very dry skin has a dehydrated and arid appearance, a color tending to gray and to the touch it is very rough and fragile. In acute cases of xerosis, peeling on the surface is also noted.

Dry skin can be different, depending on the degree of dehydration: slightly dry, very dry and with a tendency to flake, up to those with intense xerosis and associated itching.
It can be a condition that has lasted for a long time, or a temporary phase (it can happen to have rough skin after 3 summer months) which if treated correctly can be solved without too many problems. The important thing is not to make it progress to the intense phase because the disorder can create a lot of embarrassment in the subject who suffers from it.
So when you have doubts about the hydration of our skin, it is always better to contact a dermatologist, who will identify with us the triggering causes of xerosis. Once you understand the underlying problems it will be easier to treat them with right products.

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Possible causes of dry skin on the legs

Cutaneous xerosis occurs when our level of hydration is not sufficient and the skin is unable to perform its barrier function correctly towards the external environment. Water is retained thanks to the presence of lipid molecules, such as ceramides, and when these are reduced in our outermost layer of the skin, the consequence is a compromise of the barrier function.
But what is going to alter the composition of lipids and essentially what causes the skin to dehydrate? Leaving aside the more serious cases of compromised skin such as eczema and psoriasis we can divide the reasons into two categories, internal and external factors. These you see below are the most common causes for which healthy skin becomes dry.

External factors (exogenous)

  • environmental causes such as cold, wind or a particularly arid environment; the skin of the legs can become dry in any season!
  • too aggressive detergents or frequent washing. It has been highlighted that carrying out too many washes in a single day can increase the risk of having dry skin, and especially if a non-delicate shower gel is used during these washes. Washing too much is not good for the skin because it can alter its pH and wash away the hydrolipidic film;
  • incorrect exposure to the sun, prolonged and unprotected. Be very careful in these months: UV rays increase the evaporation of the water contained in the skin and even a walk in shorts on the beach requires adequate protection.

See also: Skincare / Luxury skin treatments

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Internal factors (endogenous)

  • genetic factors and predisposition;
  • aging and hormonal alterations. As we age, the skin loses a bit of tone and ability to retain water; consequently it is more exposed and become dry. In particular that of legs and feet, where the signs of passing time are most evident: the elderly are the most prone to having chapped skin. Even pregnancy and menopause (the classic moments of a woman in which she undergoes an "important hormonal alteration) can be easily distinguished by dry skin on the legs;
  • incorrect diet, especially if lacking in fruit and vegetables.These two types of foods are in fact rich in vitamins A, C, E and B, very precious for the well-being of the skin of the legs and feet. It is possible to help your skin to rebalance the lipid component by integrating flax seeds, olive oil and fish into the diet;
  • poor hydration; perhaps one of the most frequent internal causes of dry skin on the legs. Drinking little water is the first mistake that can be made to dehydrate the epidermis.
    To encourage you not to do this, remember that the slightest lack of water in the body is immediately perceived: the water flows to the cells and vital organs, closing the reserves of the legs and feet;
  • some diseases such as diabetes;
  • taking certain medications.

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Dry leg skin, signs and symptoms

How does the skin that tends to crack initially appear? It is something immediately visible and you can notice in your skincare routine.
"Normal" dry skin shows a couple of symptoms, but intense xerosis is characterized by having several.

It starts with a feeling of tension, due to the increase in the amount of dead cells, and the skin has a less elastic appearance.
The next step is usually the worsening of dryness, when the skin becomes rougher and even more scaly. From here the first cracks start where, unlike simply rough skin, the upper layer becomes completely dry and inflexible. skin is completely absent and the first scales come off. These form a fine, white powder on the surface; the skin has become more sensitive and an annoying itchy sensation may also occur, which is just another consequence of dryness, as well as being an immediate reaction to tight skin.
The level of need to scratch varies from person to person and depending on the degree of dryness.

These signs of dry skin are not only manifested on the legs because every area of ​​the body can be affected, although it is true that some parts are more prone than others.

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5 useful remedies to prevent dry skin on the legs

Once you have identified the main problem that leads to dry skin on the legs, you can move on to taking care of your epidermis in the most correct way. To do this, there are different methods, such as cleansing with specific products, but we recommend first of all to approach with a natural treatment; then if this fails, you can proceed with a visit to the dermatologist to investigate a little more. Here, in our opinion, are the 5 most effective natural remedies to treat dry skin on the legs:

1) Hydrate yourself sufficiently. It should be taken for granted, but the number 1 rule to combat this annoying blemish on the legs and feet is to drink lots of water. Dry skin on the legs is due to poor hydration and the right amount of lipids must be returned. Remember that in situations of physiological dehydration the body immediately "removes" the water from the legs and feet, it is a physiological process.

2) Take borage oil. All the oil seeds have proved to be valid allies for having beautiful and shiny legs, do you know why? They are extremely rich in omega 6, a key nutrient that helps keep skin nourished and hydrated. If you don't really like the idea of ​​taking these oils you can try taking them in the form of food supplements: those with borage extract help a lot to keep cell membranes intact.

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3) Integrate foods rich in vitamins A, C, E and B in the diet. The skin feeds on what we eat and it is important for our skincare to also take care of our nutrition. To get healthy, toned and hydrated legs, focus on foods containing vitamin C in particular; in addition to protecting cells from stress, they promote the formation of collagen. This is essential for having a properly functioning epidermis. All the B vitamins, on the other hand, help keep the skin in a normal state.

4) Avoid foaming cleaners. In your daily face and body hygiene do not use soaps rich in surfactants because they wash away the fatty component of the hydrolipidic film. Better to stick with more delicate cleansers, such as light mousses and milks, formulated specifically for dry skin. Apply them before the emollient or moisturizer.
The most suitable skin care products for dry leg skin are cleansing oils, based on vitamin E, borage oil and other oils.

5) Choose the right leg moisturizer. The suitable product must contain ceramides to allow the skin to restore its barrier function. Too often we dedicate all our attention to the daily beauty of the face, but in the colder months we end up leaving out the skin of the body, especially that of the legs and feet. Choosing the right body cream helps keep the skin hydrated and nourished and protects it from the effects of causal, environmental, dietary and habits related factors.
What should never be missing in a body cream for dry skin? Definitely a nourishing action, as can be that of shea butter, vegetable oils and lanolin; then moisturizing, such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin or urea, and finally protective, such as vitamin E with an antioxidant action.
Now that it is summer, always wear sunscreen with a protective factor suitable for your phototype, at the sea but also when you are walking around the city.

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