Broken mirror: when this belief was born and how to avoid 7 years of bad luck

The mirror and any other reflective surface have always had a strong evocative power, connected to magical powers due to its ability to refract and double. Precisely for this reason, in the past it was believed that destroying a mirror meant also making the object (or person) reflected in it disappear. The generations of the past, therefore, have always had problems with mirrors, until today. where looking in the mirror means learning to accept yourself as you are. Here are some tips for doing mirror exercises to love yourself!

Broken mirror 7 years of misfortunes: how and where does this belief arise?

In the first analysis, it is necessary to understand why the mirror has this aura of mystery around it. The anxiety from broken mirrorin fact, it is to be found precisely in the refraction and splitting capacity of glass, to the point that in some cultures and religions - such as Islamic and Jewish - when someone dies, all the mirrors in the house are turned upside down or covered. This gesture avoids the wandering of the soul of the deceased around the house which, accidentally coming into contact with a mirror, glass, or reflective surface, can reflect itself and remain imprisoned, without being able to make the journey into the afterlife.

It will not be surprising then to remember that in Latin speculum, mirror, e spectrum, spectrum, have the same etymology. A not very dissimilar problem also affects the living: never put a mirror on the wall in front of the bed, because it is a window to the afterlife and could imprison your soul while you sleep, with no possibility of going back.

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Cracked mirror: the omens of the ancients and the pieces of broken mirror

The popular belief that bad luck causes a broken mirror is much older than you imagine. The idea of ​​capturing the soul in the moment of reflection is firmly rooted in the East, especially in China.Here, they deeply believed that the mirror captured the image that was reflected in it, as well as the soul and therefore the essence of a person, which was considered sacred. Breaking the mirror, therefore, was considered a fatal omen because it means damaging that person sacred part and then hurt it.

A more pragmatic and material perspective, as always, was typical of the ancient Romans, among whom there was however a good dose of magic. Narnia, the Romans thought that through the glass and the mirror it was possible to observe the most hidden areas of the Empire. However, we recalled the materialistic nature of the Romans, who in fact noticed rather the precious materials with which the mirrors were produced. Gold or silver layer at the base for the more precious ones, copper for the more "plebeian" ones - so to speak, of course! The layer of precious material had a reflective function and the glass was superimposed on it: it is easy to guess that a mirror cost a lot and therefore break it it meant losing a lot of money Hence the famous number 7: to recover all the lost money, they would have to work and toil for at least another 7 years!

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How to avoid the 7 years of misfortunes

Since the breaking of a glass or a mirror was more frequent than desired, the ancients already began to find solutions to counter the misfortunes that this nefarious gesture would have caused. Fundamental element in this process is water, able to save what is sacred like the soul.

1. Collect all the pieces of the mirror and throw them into a river: the current will carry away the spell, saving the soul from misfortune.
2. Fill a basin with water and throw the pieces of glass in it along with a clear and transparent stone, such as a diamond or a brilliant. After 7 days, get rid of the shards of the mirror as far as possible.
3. Prepare a bath with 7 handfuls of coarse salt and wash so carefully from head to foot, asking the water to stop the spell. Again, the water will wash away the negativity when the tub is emptied.
4. Do not touch the broken pieces for 7 hours. After this time has passed, throw them as far away as possible from where you are - the number will do its job.
5. Transport all the shards of mirror in a transparent glass jar and tighten it carefully, then place it in a point where the direct sun comes, such as on the windowsill: reflecting the light will protect the person who broke the mirror from negativity.

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