Test: 7 questions to figure out what would be the perfect name for your child

How many times, while chatting with friends, the toto-name like "if I had a child I would call him ..." has started. Everyone fantasizes about that name, changing it over time according to their growth and personality. Also because this is what a name expresses: a character, a value, a memory. Some VIPs, sometimes for logistical reasons, change their names to shorten them or give themselves a different personality (or disguise really unpronounceable names!). Did you know the real name of these?

With these 7 questions we can help you identify some names that may be right for you (and your future baby). Whether it's a name with a vintage flavor, a short name or a super original one, each one will perfectly express what you want to convey to your child. Ready for the test?

See also

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And if you want some more suggestions, look at the choices of these VIPs:

Tags:  In Shape Actuality News - Gossip