Youth2Work: the platform for the training of young people without work

Youth unemployment, both in Europe and in Italy, has reached frightening rates in recent years. To find a job, young people can no longer hope for opportunities and opportunities, within the increasingly competitive job market it is necessary to develop specific skills both professionally and personally.

Youth2Work, a project funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Program, was created precisely to provide skills and knowledge to unemployed young people. Through the courses on the platform, it will be possible to increase transversal skills, acquiring self-esteem, assertiveness and communication skills.

To access the online courses of the Youth2Work platform, just register for free on the website. The courses will focus on highly educational topics, among them How to manage your time, TOtake a different approach to problem solving, Is entrepreneurship the right career for you? and many others.

During the courses, designed according to the most advanced e-learning techniques and available in 6 languages, it will be possible to interact thanks to practical exercises, diagrams and graphics, videos, questionnaires and downloadable pdf documents.

For more information visit the website

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