Eyebrow tint: how to do it and how to choose the right color!

One of the most frequent beauty desires of women is to have beautiful and thick eyebrows. This is because the natural and thick eyebrows make the gaze more intense, make the eyes shine, emphasize femininity and are, in short, a weapon of seduction. Many women to improve the shape of their eyebrows choose to resort to a temporary aesthetic treatment, microblanding or dermopigmentation, a kind of color tattoo able to fill in the empty areas and correct the defects. Others, on the other hand, rely on make-up: Make-up is a valuable aid to instantly but clearly not lastingly filling empty areas, shaping the eyebrows according to your needs.

To each his own shape

The eyebrows are not only a super feminine feature of our face but also a detail that can be trendy: fashion has long imposed thin and super-shaved eyebrows, but for several years the rules have changed. The most glamorous brows of the moment are natural, thick and well defined.
Finding the ideal shape for your face and your type of woman is essential to enhance your characteristics.
Even when it comes to eyebrows, stars are a precious source of inspiration!

See also

How to choose the color of the foundation, in the shop or online

How to pluck your eyebrows?

How to grow your eyebrows to have them full and thick See also: The perfect eyebrows of the stars: find out which are the trendiest!

© Getty The perfect eyebrows of the stars: find out which are the trendiest!

Why dye your eyebrows

Changing the color of your eyebrows with a dye changes your look in a noticeable way. If you dye them you will have them beautiful and defined at all times and you will no longer have to resort to pencil and mascara. It is a perfect solution if you play sports, if you want to feel beautiful on every occasion and if you want to change. If you make them darker than your hair, they give you a charming and slightly mysterious air. If you darken them a little, you make them thicker and fuller, if you dye them with the exact hair color they will give harmony to your face. The same goes for eyelashes: darkening them still requires attention but then thanks to the dye they will immediately appear longer and thicker and your eyes will be even more beautiful!

Eyebrow tint: can I do it at home?

Dyeing the eyebrows requires a little attention because you will work on a delicate and evident area of ​​your face. But with the right advice you will be able in no time to have thick and full eyebrows and a very natural effect. By continuing to read you will find out how to do the eyebrow tint in 5 steps!
Choose the right dye: do not take a hair product, the eye area is very delicate. Opt for a semi-permanent eyebrow dye and if you don't find the right one, choose a product to dye your beard, it will be great!
Apply petroleum jelly or moisturizer around so as not to stain the skin: massage the area carefully will also prevent you from irritation and redness.
Now apply a layer of dye, to make application easier with the help of the clean brush of an old mascara, completely covering first one eyebrow and then the other eyebrow, avoiding staining the skin.
Wait three minutes and check the color. Do not keep the tint on the eyebrows for as long as indicated by the package because you could have a too intense result. If after 3 minutes the color does not satisfy you, repeat the application for another 3 minutes!
Remove the tint with a damp cotton pad and proceed with the stilyng armed with tweezers or wax to give the shape you want to your eyebrows.
See how beautiful? Now you will always look made up, even when you are not!

© GettyImages

Which color do I choose?

If you dream of intense and defined eyebrows, choose a tone that is darker than your natural color. Brows will immediately appear fuller. It is important not to stray too far from the starting color otherwise you will notice the regrowth effect and the result will be a bit artificial: darken or lighten by two shades at most! If you have lightened your hair color and are now blonde you can also lighten your eyebrows up to two tones to avoid too strong a contrast. But remember that the contrast is also very current, so you can leave them even darker if you like the idea! If, on the other hand, you have dyed your hair red you can add some red highlights to your eyebrows to recall the color of your hair.
And if you want to be daring, you can even choose a complementary color with that of your skin, from blue, deep green and even pink!

A few tips not to be missed

Never pluck your eyebrows with tweezers or wax just before dyeing. This would increase the possibility of irritation and would not allow you to work your brows at the right time. After the dye you will see them full and thick and you can outline them as you like!
If you want to lighten your brows by one tone, and you prefer natural remedies, you can mix lemon and honey to create a consistent cream and apply it to your brows. In this case the shutter speeds are at least 30 minutes but you can boast after a nice natural lightening.
Always avoid staining the skin around while dyeing your eyebrows, using a cotton swab. If the skin gets stained, rub it vigorously with moisturizer or micellar water several times. With a little patience, even the color on the skin will go away! Then remember, the first time you use a specific color, just like for the hair, to do a verification test on a less delicate point of the skin (such as the hollow of the arm) 24 hours before the application to avoid irritating the area around the eyes.In this way you will be able to verify the absence of allergies and sensitization phenomena and proceed to color your eyebrows in complete safety.

Tags:  Parenthood Beauty Properly