How to declare your love to him?

1 - If you are a romantic

You don't have a hard time admitting it: you love red roses, candlelit dinners and moonlight strolls hand in hand.

How to do it: amaze him! For your statement, reverse the usual practice. Send him bouquets of red roses to the office, complete with a card that says, in plain text, "I love you". But be careful, don't forget to sign, you never know ...

See also

How the lover in love behaves: a lover who loves you ultimately chooses you

The most beautiful phrases of love, for him and for her

Infinite love: when love lasts forever

Attention! As romantic as it is, perhaps your man doesn't want to blush in front of hilarious colleagues (and certainly a little jealous too ...). Feel the ground before you launch.

2 - If you are mischievous

After so many nights of passion, you finally feel that your heart is getting along with your body. You and your partner are absolutely dependent on each other.

How to do it: forget the lace underwear, and opt instead for cotton briefs, on which you will have carefully embroidered your declaration of love.

Attention! There are two possibilities: either he will tear your gracious message off you in the rush of passion, going straight to the point, or he will be inhibited by emotion ...

3 - If you are shy

If even public speaking stresses you out when you buy bread, doing it to reveal your feelings is a real nightmare! You spend hours rehearsing in front of the mirror, but words fail to take shape ...

How to do it: focus on one of its weak points, gluttony. Offer him some M & M's on which you will have engraved your two names, a heart and the words "I love you!" ... To order them go to the website:

Attention! Too impatient to devour the M & M's, he could fill his mouth with them ... it would be difficult, then, to answer your statement! Do not forget, therefore, to point out your sweet words ...

4 - If you are exuberant

By now you are sure of what you feel for him and would like to shout it out to the whole world. Are you ready: nothing can stop you!

How to do it: a declaration of love published in his favorite newspaper, a song dedicated to him on the radio, a banner that shouts your love at the stadium ... you are unstoppable!

Attention! Perhaps your loved one is more shy than they appear and may not appreciate these public demonstrations.

5 - If you are cautious enough

He has been looking at you with cod eyes for six months now, he has not yet made up his mind to utter the three magical words that would please you so much.

How to do it: if in doubt, abstain! Hold on and say nothing. Let him take the first step. And if he doesn't, at least you won't have the impression that you have flaunted your feelings in vain ...

Attention! Men are fragile beings who often have difficulty expressing their love. They need to feel confident, which is why some wait a long time before launching. It is up to you to understand if you feel ready or if you can be patient a little longer.

6 - If you are very busy

You are a career woman and you don't find the time to organize anything, but you have a great desire to take the reins of the situation and declare your love to him in a… passionate and perfect way!

How to do it: invite him to the best restaurant in town and declare your love while sipping a glass of champagne!
Attention! Don't go too big, it might scare you! And don't forget to turn off your cell phone, so as not to be harassed by phone calls from your colleagues who wonder why you're no longer in the office at dinner time!

Tags:  Properly Old-Luxury Actuality