Phrases about wickedness: quotes and aphorisms not only ironic about wickedness

Unfortunately, today we see too much evil around us. Escaping arrogance, jealousy, envy and wickedness is the best thing to do in a world so engulfed by resentment. However, when you come across someone who is too badly endowed with evil, you can come out alive: do not consider the evil a wall. The important thing, of course, is not to get bad, like the people we try to get away from. These phrases and quotes may help you. Before we begin, this short video will justify the annoyance you will feel!

Phrases about wickedness: if the authors say so ...

As mentioned at the beginning, there are not a few people who have seen the charm in wickedness. Some even consider it a premature revenge, if not even a necessary defense weapon. While some quotes might be contested and questionable, the authors certainly know their stuff, so it's only right to listen and pay attention to the teachings they have to impart.

Few people can be happy without hating some other person, nation or creed.
Bertrand Russell

If people are so bad, maybe it's just because they suffer.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Man, abandoned to himself, is too bad to be free.
Umberto Eco

There are people whose wickedness cannot be believed without having seen it; but there are none where we should be surprised to see it.
François De La Rochefoucauld

Wickedness can come to be a human perfection.
Fernando Menendez

If there were a greater number of people in the world who desire their own happiness more than they desire the unhappiness of others, we could have heaven in a few years.
Bertrand Russell

The bad-natured person always feeds on his own nature!
Publilius Syrus

It is not necessary to believe in a supernatural source of evil; men alone are perfectly capable of any wickedness.
Joseph Conrad

Life seems too short to me to spend it hating and taking into account the wrongs of others.
Charlotte Brontë

One could almost feel pity for the wicked, because they are destined to live their life in a prison of the heart.
John Connolly

Imitating the language of goodness is the greatest evil.
Publilius Syrus

For man there is no other hell than the stupidity and wickedness of his fellow men.
Marquis De Sade

To be bad is to take revenge in advance.
Paul-Jean Toulet

It is convenient for the wicked to deny the existence of virtuous people, because the virtues of these sound like a reproach to his misdeeds. Therefore his thoughts flee from such people, just as cockroaches, at the sight of the light, run to hide in their burrows or take refuge in some crevice.

Wickedness is a cold light in which everything loses its color, and it loses it forever.
Alessandro Baricco

If men were as bad as they paint themselves, it would be easy to settle. Instead they are worse.
Alessandro Morandotti

There is no excuse for being bad, but there is a certain merit in knowing oneself as such; doing evil out of stupidity is the most irremediable of vices.
Charles Baudelaire

Men become bad and guilty because they speak and act without imagining the effect of their words and their actions. They are sleepwalkers, not evil.
Franz Kafka

The wickedness of the world is so great that you have to wear out your legs by dint of running to prevent them from being screwed.
Bertolt Brecht

Wickedness belongs to fools, to those who have not yet understood that we will not live forever.
Alda Merini

Phrases about wickedness: Charlotte Brontë

Phrases about wickedness: what is wickedness?

An arrogant response, a metaphorical tripping when one is about to arrive, a taut thread while running to the finish line, a look of envy. Malice can have multiple manifestations, unfortunately not all easily identifiable. Not infrequently, in fact, it happens to be in front of a friendly face that hides something more, which we would not expect, like a double face ready to reveal its wickedness. These phrases and quotes contain those who, through short and exhaustive aphorisms, have tried to explain it.

Our goodness is nothing but our sleeping wickedness.
Jules Renard

In the snake the poison is in the teeth, in the fly it is in the head, in the scorpion in the tail, in the evil in the whole body.
Indian ruling

If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.
Charles Dickens

I'm not bad, I only have a slightly pronounced dark side.
Vallanzasca - The Angels of Evil

Use with the good, and go well with the bad.
Tuscan Proverbs

The sad truth is that much of the evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or bad.
Hannah Arendt

Some, faced with wickedness and wickedness, withdraw not out of cowardice but out of repugnance to argue with an insolent.
Marguerite Yourcenar

After the bad comes the good.
Tuscan Proverbs

It was that night that I discovered that almost any creature we consider evil or evil is simply alone. And maybe they lack some good manners.
Edward Bloom

Never argue with an idiot, he drags you to his level and beats you with experience.
Oscar Wilde

The devil leaves the bad Christians alone: ​​no one takes care of it.
John Mary Vianney

The greatest wickedness is that of those who take pleasure in reopening the wounds of a sensitive heart.
Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni

The pleasure of little bad things saves us more than one bad deed.
Chinese proverb

When we hate someone, we hate something inside of us in their image.
Hermann Hesse

Badness arises from negative feelings such as loneliness, sadness and anger. It comes from a void within you that seems to have been carved out with a knife, a void in which you remain abandoned when something very important is torn away from you.

the harm we do is always sadder than the harm they do to us.
Jacinto Benavente

Some, faced with wickedness and wickedness, withdraw not out of cowardice but out of repugnance to argue with an insolent.
Marguerite Yourcenar

What distinguishes mankind from the animal kingdom is that evil as an end in itself is unknown in the latter.
Alessandro Morandotti

It is bad thing to be bad but it is even worse to be known.
Tuscan proverb

Irony is wasted when used on stupid people.
Oscar Wilde

I have always overcome envy, cowardice and wickedness by covering them with majestic invisibility and showy indifference.
Federico Fellini

Phrases about wickedness: Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni

Phrases about evil as an end in itself

Falsehood and wickedness are ways of being terrible and you have to escape from people who are the same way you shouldn't be. Pain and suffering can lead to armor and reacting to the stimuli and injustices of the world with wickedness. , but this is not the solution. The advice is always to avoid falsehood and escape from the bad and from being bad.

No physical defect can make you as ugly as badness.

Animals don't hate, and we should be better than them.
Elvis Presley

Wickedness is like food: once you start it's hard to stop; the intestine has expanded to accommodate more and more.
John Updike

It was one God who created the wolf and the lamb and then smiled "seeing that this was good".
André Gide

It didn't take much to be like them: a pinch of arrogance, a dose of baseness, an ounce of conviction, a few drops of wickedness.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Being bad isn't always a fault. Sometimes it is life that makes it so. But it is a fault to pretend to be good. Yes, that's unforgivable.

Evil envelops man like the chrysalis of a butterfly.
Arto Seppälä

If he has to choose who is to be crucified, the crowd will always save the Barabbas.
Jean Cocteau

The worst people are the ones who know which buttons to tap to hurt you, and crush the full weight of their wickedness on it.

Men are almost as good to the dead as they are bad to the living.
Indro Montanelli

In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice and often the good suffer and often the bad prosper and it is hard to say which of the two realities is more irritating.
Bertrand Russell

Badness always amazes me. I will never become so good at learning to understand it, much less poor in spirit to learn how to do it.

Hatred and wickedness inhabit two neighboring houses: the second always keeps the door open for the first.
English proverb

If there were a greater number of people in the world who desire their own happiness more than they desire the unhappiness of others, we could have heaven in a few years.
Bertrand Russell

No physical defect can make you as ugly and stupid as ignorance and wickedness.

Every man is born good: experience and education make him bad.
Vittorino Andreoli

I am rather inclined to think that this is the land that God gave to Cain.
Alfred Damon Runyon

You can also find wickedness in the last of the creatures. When God made man he had to have the devil beside him.
Cormac McCarthy

My friends, keep this in mind: there are neither bad herbs nor bad men. There are only bad cultivators.
Victor Hugo

Warning: there is a bad disease around, called malice.
It comes from the envy virus.

Phrases about wickedness: Arto Seppälä

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil deeds but because of those who observe without doing anything.
Albert Einstein

A bad person - someone who hurts for the sake of evil - is just as rare as a saint.
Godfried Bomans

Upright men are very rare, bad and crazy are endless.

Evil never goes without punishment, but sometimes the punishment is secret.
Agatha Christie

The fact that man knows how to distinguish between good and evil demonstrates his intellectual superiority over other creatures; but the fact that he can perform evil deeds demonstrates his moral inferiority to all other creatures who are unable to do them.
Mark Twain

There is no more infallible indication of a deeply bad heart, of the lowest moral unworthiness, than a stroke of pure and cordial joy at the harm of others.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Badness arises from negative feelings such as loneliness, sadness and anger. It comes from a void within you that seems to have been carved out with a knife, a void in which you remain abandoned when something very important is torn away from you.
Haruki Murakami

I am not afraid of the wickedness of the wicked but of the silence of the honest.
Martin Luther King

The world is good for 1%, bad in the same proportion and neutral for the remaining 98%: this is why everyone's decision is so important.
Hans Habe

The wickedness of the good is very dangerous.
Giulio Andreotti

Human malice, which is great, is largely made up of envy and fear
André Maurios

Half of all the damage done in this world comes from people who want to feel important.
Michael Crichton

I hate all men: some because they are wicked and of bad deeds; others because they show complacency to the wicked, And they do not have that vigorous hatred for them that evil must always arouse in honest people.

A bad apple can rot a healthy apple, but a healthy apple cannot heal a bad apple.
Mario Rigoni Stern

The world is divided into good and bad. The good guys sleep better at night, the bad guys have a better time in the day.
Woody Allen

There are no good and bad, but only bad and worst: this is the charm of people.
Pedro Almodóvar

Evil is not something superhuman, it is just something less human.
Agatha Christie

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