Aloe vera: benefits and characteristics of a true ally of your well-being

Aloe is a plant that can be used in many ways, when someone in the house gets hurt as well as when you need an edge because you feel subdued.
It is no coincidence that it is one of the most popular natural remedies ever that you can find in many natural cosmetics and wellness products. It is a plant rich in fundamental properties for the whole family: it purifies, burns, helps heal wounds and also a precious juice is extracted from aloe vera that can purify the body and contribute to the proper functioning of internal organs. Read on and you'll soon learn how to apply aloe vera and how to make the most of the benefits of natural remedies and useful plants like this one!

The leaves of aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the best known types of aloe and certainly the most used as a cosmetic treatment since ancient times. It belongs to the Aloeacee family and is native to the north-eastern coast of Africa. This plant is very popular in India, America and Oceania because its properties are known practically everywhere. Its leaves are of an intense and uniform green color, they are covered with a protective film through which the plant filters air and water. Its leaves contain a layer of aloin and even deeper are filled with the famous water-based gel. Aloe vera is grown practically everywhere, you can also try growing it on the balcony of your home to always have precious leaves available from which to extract gel and juice rich in beneficial effects.

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The pure aloe vera gel

A transparent and dense gel with moisturizing, refreshing and soothing properties is cold extracted from aloe vera. Its water-based gel promotes cell regeneration and helps healing: it is perfect to apply on cuts and domestic wounds, but it also has beneficial effects in case of itching, insect bites, dermatitis, sores and injuries. Just apply very little gel even directly from the leaves to get the desired effect! It is excellent even when you have psoriasis because it has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory action. The aloe vera gel, contained in many after-sun products, is very effective in case of sunburn and gives the skin immediate and lasting relief. The aloe gel is so versatile, practical and effective that it can be applied in a thousand situations!

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The pure juice of aloe vera

Its pure juice extracted from the leaves has a very similar consistency to the gel: it is transparent and dense, rich in active ingredients and is a natural treatment that also has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, purifying and nourishing properties. Taking aloe vera extract juice can be very helpful. it helps to strengthen the immune system and at the same time is able to carry out an important detox action, purifying the body, thanks to the presence of acemannan, a natural mucopolysaccharide that carries out a protective action for the gastric mucosa and for the intestine. It should be drunk on an empty stomach, at least 15 minutes before breakfast. Usually it is taken pure but many find it more pleasant to dilute it in water (but not hot water) or in the juice. It is better not to take aloe juice diluted in a hot drink so as not to lose nutrients and vitamins To get all the benefits of aloe vera, a treatment of 20 or 30 ml for 2 or 3 months is enough, in any case you should never exceed 50ml per day.

If you are planning to start a food detox program, discover this plant and also the complete list of detox foods!

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

Pure juice for digestion: anti-inflammatory properties

Aloe vera helps in cases of colitis, gastritis and inflammation of the digestive system. The pure aloe vera juice taken regularly is able to improve the conditions of the lazy intestine by acting on the bacterial flora and coating the stomach with a protective film that slows inflammation and improves the functioning of internal organs.However, aloin, the bitter yellow substance contained in aloe leaves, in large doses, can be counterproductive and have a laxative effect, irritating the intestinal mucosa instead of protecting it: it is therefore important to opt for an aloe-free product. of this substance.

Friend of seasonal changes: immunostimulating properties

Aloe is the queen of natural remedies. Aloe vera juice plays a precious action on the immune system: in periods of seasonal changes and in moments of greater stress for the body, taking aloe vera helps to significantly improve the immune system and contributes to well-being and health, keeping away flu and colds.

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It can stop time: antioxidant properties

Aloe vera is rich in minerals and vitamins, contains numerous active ingredients that perform a detoxifying and antioxidant action, counteracting free radicals that cause cell aging. Drinking its juice improves the beauty of skin, hair and nails and performs a natural anti-aging action for the body.

Regenerates the skin: healing properties

Pure aloe vera juice also contains polysaccharides capable of stimulating the production of collagen and the consequent cell regeneration action. This explains the healing properties and its use in case of cuts and wounds.

Maximum effectiveness: antibacterial and antiviral properties

Aloe extract has proved effective against bacteria, viruses and even fungi such as Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. Drinking this gelatinous and thick juice pure not only fights inflammation but also acts directly on bacteria, performing a doubly valid action.

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Many benefits and some contraindications

Aloe vera is a pure product that can bring many benefits to your body. The most revealing contraindication is undoubtedly represented by the aloin present in the peel. To avoid the laxative and inflammatory effects of this substance, it is better to choose a product in specialized shops free of aloin, which bears the words "pure juice" instead of preparing it at home using all the leaves of the plant.
Its juice should not be used during pregnancy, nor during breastfeeding, nor dissolved in water because it can make breast milk bitter. The treatment is not recommended for patients with liver, stomach, bowel problems and in case of frequent diarrhea because it could worsen the problem. When taking many drugs, aloe should be used under medical supervision because it could cause interactions. The pure aloe vera gel extracted from the leaves, on the other hand, has no particular contraindications and helps in many situations, it can be applied practically always, even for children's wounds.

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