EMS training: 20 minutes a week to get back in shape

The centers where EMS training is carried out are proliferating more and more, this is because the number of people who in some way are becoming fond of this type of sport has multiplied. The reason comes from the fact that EMS training makes you lose weight and regain lost shape in a short time by dedicating only 20 minutes a week to specific toning exercises. Before continuing, we want to recommend a video to learn abdominal crunches.

The benefits of EMS training

The advantages of EMS training are undeniable, as it allows:

  • increase the number of calories expended during training
  • thanks to the "warming" effect, it helps to tone muscles and improve strength and, in general, improves physical condition and endurance.

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What is EMS training?

The system is simple: thanks to a special suit equipped with electrodes, low frequency electrical impulses are emitted to the muscles, causing them to contract and therefore stimulate. In this way, specific groups of muscles can be worked in an isolated and active way.

All of this makes it appear that EMS training is an ideal training technique and, no doubt, it has a large number of benefits that make it useful for a large number of people. However, as with other types of exercise, there are some risks. which can lead to serious consequences if everything is not done correctly.

This is where the importance of exercising with EMS lies, always under the supervision of qualified personnel specifically trained in this technique, who know the physical characteristics of the person and what his objectives are, so that personalized training can be designed to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

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EMS training: what are the contraindications?

Among the risks of "EMS training c" is overexposure, that is to say, overdoing the sessions that can lead to muscle injuries, so it is not advisable to perform more than two training sessions of 20 minutes. In the same way, as in any sport , rest times must be respected between one session and the next. In this case, a period of time between 48 and 72 hours is recommended between one training session and the next.

Likewise, EMS has been shown to help people with a problem or who have undergone meniscus or ligament surgery or are undergoing soft tissue rehabilitation. Even those who have suffered from muscle-tendon problems can benefit from this type of training. Some of the pathologies in which the greatest benefits are observed are herniated discs, acute back pain and anterior cruciate ligament recovery.

However, electrostimulation is not suitable for everyone. For example, pregnant women and heart patients should not perform this activity. In addition, patients with hiatus hernia, inguinal or abdominal diastasis, autoimmune disorders or uncontrolled hypertension, hyperthyroidism, varicose veins may see their symptoms aggravated by the use of this technique. In the latter cases, however, it must be analyzed in isolation, since they are relative contraindications.

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Therefore, it is absolutely essential that a professional determine the specific training each person needs to do. This way, you will get the most out of the exercise and will not take any of the associated risks. EMS training, like any other activity, well done and with proper supervision, helps to improve health and feel better about yourself. Have we convinced you to try it?
In addition to doing exercises like this, remember that it is important to lead a healthy life, with a balanced diet and encouraging good physical and eating habits.

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