#Lazonarosa: how to keep long-distance relationships alive

It's difficult. It's frustrating. It is simply sad. We don't need big turns of words to describe the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves. The sense of helplessness has been replaced by that of responsibility. We are responsible to ourselves, our family, our friends and our community. This involves a greater or lesser dose of sacrifices that none of us can escape from. Habits, lifestyles change and, above all, seeing loved ones will be increasingly complicated, if not impossible.

That's why we at alfemminile have seen fit to provide you with some alternative but equally effective methods to keep long-distance relationships alive and make your loved ones understand that, despite the distance, they are still in your thoughts. We don't say it will be easy, but we invite you to give it a try, consoling ourselves in the thought that, when one day this is all over, (hopefully as soon as possible, if we all stick to the rules), we will be able to appreciate things even more. simple that we used to take for granted.

Videochat with your love

“Video call me”, so Valeria Marini recited in an old commercial of a well-known telephone company and she had seen us along. At the moment, in an Italy split into a thousand pieces, many of us are far from our loved one. But let's not get discouraged, technology will help us. In fact, it will not be necessary to resort to carrier pigeons to deliver long and heartbreaking love letters, just activate the webcam to feel close again. Although you will only see yourself through a computer screen, take off your pajamas, put on your best outfit and pour yourself a drink, these can be small tricks to make the situation as romantic as possible. Take it as a challenge to test your bond: if, once back to normal, this has resisted, it will mean that it is true love!

See also

#Lazonarosa: DIY games to have fun with your family

Call your bestfriend!

No, chatting with friends just can't be given up, not even in a moment of crisis. But what if you can't see each other? Well, to feel close despite the distance, make yourself a promise: every day, even take just half an hour to call your friend. Gossip, funny anecdotes, old memories or, simply, the summary of your day, you can talk about everything as long as you can ease the tension. And, why not, you might even make a list of new places to try once you're out of quarantine.

Online shopping for grandparents offered by you!

Grandparents, the beating heart of the family. For those lucky enough to have them, it will be a great sacrifice to give up going to visit them. Will we even miss phrases like "But eat" to grandmother? You are wasted! Eat! "Or" And the boyfriend? The girlfriend? ". For the moment, however, it is necessary that they stay at home as much as possible and reduce contacts to the minimum necessary. But remember that it is above all for their good that you are doing it, because the elderly are the people. more at risk of contagion. On the other hand, you can show your grandparents all your affection by ordering your shopping online and having it delivered to their address. In this way you will be able to combine business with pleasure and they will be immensely grateful! PS I recommend, to the shopping list, add a box of Danish biscuits, so that, after the quarantine, you will find it already full of sewing tools.

Group chat and binge-watching

Whether it is with your old friends, with your university mates or with your distant family, why not open a group chat to comment on your favorite shows, movies or TV series together? In this way you can share comments, reflections, GIFs and witty jokes live, a bit as if you were all sprawled out on the same sofa in front of the television. Please don't give up on popcorn, ever!

Tags:  Old-Home Horoscope Beauty