Acupuncture: an ancient but much discussed technique

Although acupuncture is not fully recognized by Western medicine, it is possible to relieve different types of aches and pains in humans and animals. Some have even quit smoking thanks to the benefits of acupuncture! If you smoke and are thinking about quitting smoking, you are on the right track: let us help. your precious goal!

Acupuncture: its history

It is assumed that it has origins in the Neolithic and perhaps also in the Paleolithic. The first written references to this practice date back to the Chinese text Huangdi Neijing (Canon of Internal Medicine of the Emperor 305-204 BC). It is part of traditional Chinese medicine as well as phytotherapy, massage therapy and Qi Gong and Tai Chi. In Korean medicine it is called akchim, as in India. The Song Emperor Ren Zong had a bronze statuette made with meridians and acupuncture points. It was Portuguese missionaries in the sixteenth century who told about acupuncture on their return to the West. Later, acupuncture declined in importance in Chinese medicine. In 1822 practice and teaching in the Academy of Medicine were banned by the Chinese emperor, because it was not considered adequate for noble students. After the Chinese Civil War, it tended to underestimate it as backward and the practice of acupuncture by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party devoid of rationality. Under the leadership of Mao acupuncture made a comeback and was re-evaluated, also acquiring a character of political response. Chinese medicine and its pharmacology were exalted , hoping for its elevation to a higher level.

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Acupuncture: an alternative medicine therapy widespread everywhere

This therapeutic practice, which originates from traditional Chinese medicine and spread to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and then to the West around 1500, seems to be the most widespread form of alternative medicine in Europe. It is practiced in England, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Italy. In our country, only those with a degree in medicine and veterinary medicine can exercise it. Anyone who graduated abroad in medicine must take a state exam to be able to practice it in Italy. Very popular it is obviously in China and Japan, but also in the United States, Australia, New Zealand. This therapeutic practice has obtained recognition not only from health institutes in various states, but also from the World Health Organization. In 2010, UNESCO declared acupuncture a Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The first forms of acupuncture date back as far as 100 BC. A French diplomat de Morant is responsible for the terms "meridian" and "vital force", widely used by those who practice modern acupuncture. In 1972, the first authorized center for acupuncture was established in the United States.

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The theory of acupuncture

Those who believe in acupuncture argue that in the human body there are channels, the meridians, through which flows a "life force" or Qi (pr. "Chee") essential for human life. The obstruction of the meridians, preventing the regular flow of Qi, causes pain or discomfort in the parts of the body connected to them. The acupuncture technique would serve to free the affected meridians from obstruction, stimulating the channels or acupuncture points with the use of small needles and thus normalizing the flow of life force in the body. Those who support this therapeutic practice consider it beneficial for chronic pain, back pain, low back pain, headache, migraine, joint pain for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, toothache, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, post-operative pain. In their opinion, the energy of Qi flows in the body: if its flow is interrupted, disease arises. The pain indicates a blockage or stagnation of the flow. Acupuncture with the stimulation of acupuncture points or acupuncture points with thin metal needles , moved manually or with electrical stimulation aims to normalize the flow of Qi. According to the theory on which the practice of acupuncturists is based, there are twelve channels, which extend vertically, symmetrically and bilaterally. Each channel would be connected to one of the twelve zangs, or internal organs. There are twelve main meridians or eight additional meridians. Acupuncture points are performed along these channels. Ten of the meridians are named after the organs of the body (eg heart, liver, lung); the other two have functions (heart protector and triple warmer). The flow of Qi has an internal and an external path. On the external path there are all the acupuncture points.The acupuncturists to decide on which channels to intervene are based on the symptoms reported to them by the patients and their anamnesis, in addition to the indications of the diagnostic tools of Western medicine and those of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is also considered by its therapists to be a valid diagnostic tool for many pathologies. According to Rheinold Voll the variation of electrical resistance in some areas of the body reveals allergies, inefficiency or efficacy of certain drugs in some points and also of specific pathologies.

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Acupuncture: how is it practiced?

Those who perform acupuncture are called acupuncturists or acupuncturists. Previously acupuncture was performed by inserting needles only in painful areas. It was therefore only used to eliminate or reduce pain. Today it is also considered a cure by its supporters. complete therapy there are at least 10 acupuncture sessions. An acupuncture session lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, but a lot depends on the severity or quantity of the patient's ailments. In the first session the therapist analyzes the health conditions through a kind of medical history in which the patient pours, obtaining the information to decide on which acupuncture channels he will have to intervene in. The sterilized and disposable metal needles a few centimeters long are inserted under the skin and left for the time decided by the acupuncturist based on the extent of the disturbance. The number of needles is established according to the type of symptomatology. There is no real pain, but only discomfort when the needles i are inserted, especially if the area is very sensitive. After the application of the needles there is no pain, on the contrary a heat is released due to the effects of the practice. The needles used are usually from 6 to 10; they must be inserted a few millimeters deep, except in the areas where there is greater amount of fat, such as buttocks, where it goes down to a few centimeters. The success of the practice is also closely linked to a healthy lifestyle. The acupuncturist can also add herbal remedies to the therapy. This technique is also widely used in the veterinary field for various animal ailments.

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Practices related to acupuncture.

Acupressure is also based on the principle of life force and on the stimulation of areas in which the flow of Qi is altered. This technique involves pressing the affected areas with the fingers (acupressure), with the elbows or with metal wheels and sticks. Acupressure can also be practiced with metal elements or wooden points, inspired by the most ancient techniques that used very pointed bones of animals.
Electroacupuncture provides for their electrical stimulation after the insertion of the needles. Cupping is an alternative medicine practice, which should be indicated in case of chronic pain, muscle injuries and swelling and involves the application on the body of particular jars. cupping or cupping involves suction on the skin, by means of cups placed on the reflex areas. According to this practice there are areas of the back or face or foot connected to the internal organs. With cupping, toxins, excess humors, such as blood, are removed. lymph, bile It can be done hot or cold Alternative techniques without needles, but based equally on the basic principles of acupuncture are Shiatsu and Tuinà.

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Side effects of acupuncture

Acupuncture is a technique that should not give serious unwanted side effects, as long as it is performed by a professional acupuncturist. Penetration pain, bleeding, bruising, drowsiness, dizziness or vague malaise may occur. This is a minimally invasive practice; however it is contraindicated for those suffering from haemophilia or using anticoagulants or suffering from metal allergy. Those who practice acupuncture on a pregnant woman must pay more attention not to endanger the development of the fetus. In fact, many doctors do not recommend it if there are valid alternatives in traditional medicine. Serious effects after acupuncture are very very rare and when accidents occur it is usually medical errors, infections due to non-sterile needles or incorrect insertion of the needles. In any case, since it is always a minimally invasive procedure, there are never too many precautions to avoid any type of risk. In some countries they sterilize needles instead of using disposable ones and in this case the risk of infections from bacteria or other blood types increases significantly. According to the WHO, multipurpose needles may not be sterilized according to the regulations and therefore transmit even serious infections such as hepatitis or HIV. Furthermore, choosing a therapeutic practice of alternative medicine could lead to incorrect diagnoses compared to those obtained with the most modern diagnostic tools of modern medicine and also to more inadequate treatments when compared to those in force in more modern therapies. Furthermore, it is essential that the therapist has a perfect knowledge of the anatomy of the human body as well as a specialization in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The needles should never be inserted on wounds, in or in points where an infection is in progress.
Treatment is generally not recommended in case of untreated arterial hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis C in progress and also to those who are terrified of needles, as the treatment in the latter case would only bring stress and tension.

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All the uses of acupuncture

The NCAHF (a medical organization of the United States) has stated that the positive effects obtained following the practice of acupuncture are of the placebo type, caused by suggestion or other psychological conditioning, as scientific research has not shown the effectiveness. According to many experts in the field, acupuncture is not a valid alternative to traditional medicine, as there is no scientific evidence of the existence of Qi and the meridians on which this practice is based. Some experts in the field believe that acupuncture is also a very effective method to lose weight. This practice takes into account the person not only from the point of view of the physical problem that he complains, but in his totality, therefore also of his mental and psychological well-being and of its characteristics that must be associated with one to several elements, such as Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. According to its supporters, acupuncture can bring benefits not only for allergies, rhinitis and sinusitis, asthma, disorders of the gastrointestinal, circulatory, joints, muscles and especially for pain of lumbar origin, defined with an English term low back pain, but also psychological disorders, such as panic attacks. they also believe that acupuncture is particularly effective for the gynecological system (premenstrual pain, irregular cycle, menopausal disorders), for dermatological diseases related to the nervous system and addiction to smoking, alcohol and drugs.

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Acupuncture: Requirements Required

The National Institute of Health of the USA, the National Health Service of the UK, the World Health Organization and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine have approved the use of acupuncture in certain cases although research to prove its real effectiveness are not yet considered conclusive by many scholars. In China, both acupuncture and other alternative medicine practices specialize in faculties specifically set up for such studies.
In Japan, a national license of acupuncturist or acupuncturist, i.e. the therapist who performs acupuncture, is required to treat patients. Since 2007, all health insurers in Germany have paid acupuncture as a therapy for chronic back and knee pain and for knee arthritis. In the UK it is not considered a regulated profession. In the US, acupuncturists must complete a three- or four-year degree and then obtain a license as an acupuncture therapist. In any case, it is advisable to always seek the opinion of your doctor or other specialists as regards what is reported in the article.

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