Personality test: are you spontaneous or constructed?

Our world is under the sign of construction: selfies, stories, pricks in the face, eyes, lenses that change the color of your eyes, apps to change your body and face ... In short, it is difficult to define yourself spontaneous today. . But for many of us simple and natural reactions remain intact, we avoid judging ourselves too much and we live everyday life instinctively. Speaking of spontaneity, watch the video:

Personality test: are you spontaneous or constructed?

So are you a person who loves spontaneity and naturalness, who therefore cannot help but be genuine? Or do you feel calmer when you manage to control yourself and build your actions and reactions? Find out how you are made, just take our test:

See also

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Personality test: how intuitive are you?

And how much do you love to be precise? Are you a fussy eater or are you unable to be precise? Find out with the quiz:

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