Pair winning foods: the 10 best pairings

Matching foods isn't always easy. In fact, from a dish we want both flavor and pleasure for our taste buds and beneficial properties, especially if we are trying to lose weight and lose weight. However, there are food combinations defined as "winning", because the combination of two certain foods manages to enhance and combine the flavor of both, perhaps mitigating the acidity of one and the extreme sweetness of the other. The two foods are therefore complementary and blend perfectly with each other, giving an authentic feeling of well-being to the palate. In addition, some foods, combined together, are ideal for naturally improving various health conditions and for staying healthy. form.

From traditional cheese and pears to the most innovative yogurt with flax seeds: in this article, we reveal the 10 perfect combinations in the kitchen, among the tastiest for the palate to those most suitable for feeling good and losing weight. First, however, we recommend that you watch this short video to find out which foods can never be missing on your table:

The tastiest pairings of winning foods

Let's start with the delicacy. It is known that in order to prepare a dish in the best possible way, "almost scientific attention and care is required. In fact, between science and cooking there is a link that not many know, but that today we are trying to unravel." This research focuses on how it is possible that two foods, often far from each other in terms of properties and flavors, can combine perfectly in some recipes. Why, then, do a type of food pairings that are very distant from each other go incredibly well together? The most accredited thesis is that the two foods in question have identical molecules, forming a "pairing that is pleasant to the palate.

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1. Ham and melon

It seems that the origins of this dish date back to the Middle Ages, when the taste of the fruit was too acidic, because it was difficult to bring it to complete ripeness. So, to make it more palatable and not to risk it harming your health, the combination with raw ham was born. In fact, then the salty limited its acidity, while now it contains its sweetness, for an explosion of unique flavor. .

2. Butter and jam

Who would have thought that the children's snack par excellence was one of the winning combinations of foods? Well, butter and jam, with the addition of bread, represent a perfect combination.The bread brings the energy of the starches, the butter the fats, while the jam gives the sweet note of the fruit from which it is made.

3. Cheese and pears

"Don't let the farmer know how good the cheese and pears are": so goes a famous proverb. In fact, in the Renaissance period, cheese was believed to be a poor and unhealthy dish. The pear, on the other hand, was considered a noble fruit and the "combination with it" elevated "it status of dairy products, especially in the eyes of the nobles touched by consuming such a poor food. Today it is considered a high-class dish, also accompanied by nuts and dried fruit, with a perfect combination of flavors.

4. Champagne and strawberries

Sophisticated, romantic and timeless: among all the pairings, the one between champagne and strawberries is a must, that goes crazy in the cinema of the fifties. The dry taste of champagne is dampened by the sour sweetness of strawberries, for a nostalgic combination and a symbol of luxury. This couple has several variations: in fact it is not only found in cocktails, but also in smoothies, cakes and canapés. Other food combinations- perfect alcohols are: peaches and white wine, oysters and champagne or dark chocolate and rum.

5. Eggs and asparagus

This pairing is ideal for several aspects. First of all, for the consistency of the two foods: the softness of the egg, especially of the yolk when cooked with a bull's eye, combines well with the compactness of the asparagus. In addition, the bitter taste of these vegetables are complemented by the flavor of the eggs Finally, this combination constitutes a single dish, rich in vitamins, potassium and healthy fats.

The couplings of winning foods for health

If before we spoke above all of the taste of the two combined foods, here the attention is to be paid not only to the appreciation by the palate but also to the beneficial and nourishing properties of the foods. In fact, these food combinations are recommended both to those who are trying to lose weight and, in general, to all those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, without following a specific diet. Here too, science and cuisine have teamed up and revealed these 5 winning combinations.

1. Tomatoes and olive oil

Tomatoes are famous for their antioxidant properties, which are ideal for preventing sun damage. Among them, there is lycopene, which is fundamental for its anticancer properties. Therefore, if we combine tomatoes with olive oil, we will have a perfect food combination for our skin. In fact, the oil helps it. body to absorb lycopene more quickly Result: smooth and hydrated skin!

2. Yogurt and flax seeds

The combination of these two foods helps digestion, as they help maintain the balance and health of the stomach. To combine them, simply add a tablespoon or two of flaxseed to yogurt, preferring the lean one if you are following a weight loss diet.

3. Spinach and avocado

Of all vegetables, spinach has always been famous for its iron, but it also contains a lot of vitamin A and lutein, both of which are great for eye protection. Combined with the avocado, you will have not only a salad that helps our eyesight, but also rich in healthy fats, nourishing the body. To prepare this simple recipe, you can choose to slice the avocado or add it to the spinach below. form of puree, with the addition of a drizzle of oil.

4. Green tea and lemon

The beneficial properties of green tea are manifold. In addition to the detoxifying ones that promote diuresis, there are those antioxidants that help fight inflammation. By adding a few drops of lemon to our cup of tea, our body will be able to absorb up to 5 times more these virtues of the drink.

5. Chocolate and chilli

Chilli aids digestion and is an excellent ally during the diet. It has many beneficial properties, including those of vasodilator and anti-inflammatory, helps to speed up the metabolism and goes perfectly with almost all foods, from meat to fish to vegetables and pasta. Together with dark chocolate, the antidepressant par excellence, it even has an aphrodisiac power. A small piece or a slice of dark chocolate and chilli pepper cake is recommended as a sweet snack when you want to stay in shape.