Millet grains: how to remove small cysts around the eyes

They have different names, but the one of "millet grains" is the most accredited. These are white or yellowish spots that appear under the eyes, which everyone wants to get rid of.
The good news is that millet grains are completely harmless and non-inflammatory, unlike acne. However, some treatment, even homemade, is needed to get rid of these annoying pimples around the eyes, just like you do for acne. fateful blackheads.

What are millet grains?

Millet grains are a purely aesthetic problem. It is not a disease, but harmless cysts that appear under the surface of the skin. They mostly occur on the face - especially under the eyes or on the eyelid - and are white in color, ranging from beige to yellowish.

Millet grains: small pimples on the eyelid?
Many consider millet grains to be simple little pimples on the eye. Unlike pimples, however, millet grains are filled with horny material, ie keratin. Keratin is responsible for the compactness to the touch of the mini-cysts, which thus does not they can be "squeezed" or treated like normal blackheads containing sebum.

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What are the causes of millet grains?

A distinction is made between primary and secondary millet grains.

  • Secondary grains arise as a result of an injury to the skin, for example after a "burn - including sunburn. Fortunately, secondary millet grains often heal on their own.
  • Primary grains, on the other hand, are usually caused by hormonal changes. For this reason, women are primarily affected, but there is no shortage of cases among male adolescents as well.

Millet grains in women

Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause can cause the white dots to appear suddenly.

Millet grains in infants

A small exception are newborns.Infants sometimes have millet grains because they react to the hormones their mothers pass on to them. Some parents are concerned when they discover the tiny pimples on the baby's eye, but don't panic: these unpleasant marks on the skin usually heal on their own in newborns after about six weeks.

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Millet grains: the remedies

1. An ally for skin signs: retinol

A good way to remove millet grains is with retinol. Retinol is an essential vitamin that was originally used to treat acne. In the meantime, however, this beauty ally has become highly regarded for its peeling effect in fighting pigmentation marks, wrinkles and even skin grains. millet Retinol leaves the skin with less noticeable pores, uniform and smooth.

It is advisable to pay attention to sensitive skin. Retinol is a very powerful agent and can cause redness and itching in the most delicate skin.

With retinol creams it is therefore important to increase the dose slowly and if you notice that the skin reacts by becoming irritated, it is best to consult the opinion of a dermatologist. Since retinol is very light, the cream should be applied in the evening before going to It is advisable to apply a sunscreen the day after, because retinol makes the skin more sensitive to light.

© Amazon

> Cocco Care Organic Retinol Face Cream with 100% Pure Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C available on Amazon for € 17.99

Warning: if the millet grains are very close to the eye, it is better to choose a remedy other than retinol. In fact, if it enters that area, retinol could cause serious irritation. The same goes for the treatment of white spots on the eyelid.

2. Removal at the doctor or beautician

If you have already tried all the creams and home remedies without results, the temptation to squeeze the grains of millet, as many do for normal pimples, will surely be great. However, it is absolutely to be avoided. Unlike a pimple, where the sebum comes out of the pore due to pressure, the millet grain pore would be blocked only by the much more consistent keratin. Squeezing it would only increase the risk of getting a scar.

Especially on the sensitive skin around the eyes, it is better to take risks. A specialist, on the other hand, can accurately incise the grain with a sterile instrument, squeeze the keratin inside and then disinfect the area. In this way, the wound can heal easily without the small cysts reappearing.

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The costs of such treatment are essentially normal, because it is a purely aesthetic problem. Usually, prices start at ten euros, but for particularly hardened millet grains or those that are close to the eye, it is best to go to the doctor as the procedure may require a little more treatment.

3. Remove millet grains with the laser

This solution is much more expensive than the other two. Removing millet grains with the laser requires a minimum of 80 euros and the operation must be done by an expert. In fact, the dermatologist uses a laser beam to remove the top layer of the skin. A crust will form in the affected area, which when it will come off and leave a smooth and perfect skin.

Can millet grains be prevented?

There are people who are prone to these small cysts, both by predisposition and other factors. It can also happen that the millet grains that have already been eliminated come back, even if they were previously removed by a specialist. The likelihood of this happening increases if they are not properly eliminated. In most cases, a small amount of residual sebum remains which leads to a new pimple formation.

However, it can help reduce the risk of new millet grains forming. Peels and scrubs remove dead skin cells so they can't form cysts. In addition, excess keratin is eliminated. This is why peels should be a regular part of the program to prevent blemishes and to promote skin regeneration. Finally, a pleasant side effect of this beauty ritual will be radiant, wrinkle-free skin. Our favorite is from L "Oréal Paris, with 3 types of sugar and vitamin E.

© Amazon

> You can find L "Oréal Paris Sugar Illuminating Exfoliating Scrub on Amazon for € 8.50

Sunscreen is also essential. Sun damage can cause secondary millet grains or prevent them from healing. It is best to use oil-free sunscreen, otherwise it could unintentionally contribute to clogging pores.

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Further information

Millet grains should not be confused with sty or chalazion:

  • Sty is an inflammation of the eyelid glands. This is caused by some bacteria and can be painful.
  • Chalazion is a swelling of the eyelid, usually caused by a blockage of the glands in that area of ​​the eye. It is usually larger than the sty but causes no pain.

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