
The sense of writing

Writing is perceived as a living means of communication, and its interpretation provides information regarding some traits of the writer's character. Born in France in the 19th century, graphology allows us to express the profound characteristics of our personality. But if the handwriting is unique, and therefore personal, it is also influenced by other factors, especially cultural ones. For example, writing tilted to the right is said to be synonymous with openness to the future and to others (for the graphologist, the left represents the past, the right the future). But in the case of a person of origin Arabic, for example, which usually writes from right to left and in a different alphabet than ours, this past / future relationship will not be interpreted in the same way. This is why, in order to make an "as fair analysis as possible, the graphologist must have relevant information.

Multiple uses

See also

Graphology: we discover what the study of handwriting is

Conceived as a method of knowledge of personality, graphology is naturally applied in psychology, in psychoanalysis or even in psychiatry. A deterioration of the handwriting often reveals an alteration in the psychic balance of the subject. For this reason, it is used as a means to measure the effectiveness of a treatment, or to follow the evolution of a therapy.

Graphology and assumptions, a French specificity

In France, almost 80% of companies would resort to graphological analysis when selecting candidates to be hired. In Italy, however, this method is used only in 5% of cases. If graphology provides advice, help to make decisions, however, this technique is very controversial and cannot be the only means of evaluating candidates. The diploma that sanctions graphology studies is not officially recognized by the state and, above all, skeptics accuse this method of not having any real scientific validity. The practice of graphology is based, in fact, only on the application of a code of ethics, and its random character makes it an unreliable method: writing, in fact, is an element that varies according to our state of health and it can, therefore, be modified by fatigue or even by stress.

How does it work?

A graphological analysis can only be carried out on a handwritten document, which must necessarily involve the signature of the "analyzed" subject. For the analysis to be complete, the graphologist must also take into consideration a series of essential external factors, such as "age and sex of the candidate, his level of education, socio-cultural origin ... For this he will use his Curriculum Vitae and any other useful documents.

The graphologist then studies

- the general layout: proportion of the writing, margin, position of the signature

- the size and direction of the writing: size of the letters, spaces between words and lines, exaggeration of signs (accents, points, "t" bar ...), angle of inclination of the writing

- the shape of the writing: more or less round or angular, more or less clean and sharp tracing

- the pressure of writing on the paper, and also its speed.

Tips for passing a handwriting test

There are no absolute rules for passing a graphological "exam"; however, some pitfalls can be avoided. The most important thing is to stay natural and not disguise your writing.

- Stay calm: avoid being tense, your writing would suffer.

- Write regularly: there must be a certain balance between the size of the letters and the spaces that separate words and lines in the text.

- Beware of signs and special characters: we often overlook them, but these small details often make a difference. So be careful to put the dots over the "i" s and the accents on the right side.

- Don't want to be perfect: you're not a word processing software! Leave a (reasonable) margin to the left of the paper, but your sentences can also have a different length on the right.

- Pay attention to spelling: spelling errors immediately give a negative image of the person.
- The signature: must be positioned at a reasonable distance from the text and must respect a logical proportion with respect to the size of the latter. Perhaps, the signature is the most important element, since it is she who characterizes you ... so it is worth finishing with a flourish!

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