5 "compliments" that men should never give you and from which you can only escape

There are claims that should be banned from the dating vocabulary. Sometimes we wonder why there is no "Dating Guide" that can steer men towards socially acceptable behaviors. But nothing to do, in the end it all happened to run into the gentleman on duty who uttered one of these 5 unpronounceable phrases. What should you do when you hear them? Flee, without mercy.
Or go to self defense, start hitting him, you can find some hints in this video

Here are the unpronounceable ones. Raise your eyebrows when you hear them and walk away without paying the bill:

See also

The compliments that a man appreciates the most

Valentine's Day: 5 original surprises for him!

How to get left behind: 5 foolproof moves!

1. You sure are really fit for your age.

But what age and what shape? Not only are you assuming that I am of a certain age, but also that I should be like? More in the flesh? Thinner? Ever heard of touch?

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2. It didn't seem like you were that smart.

It still doesn't seem to me that you are. In short, is it necessary that to tell me that I am brilliant, you must offend me by saying that I seem not very smart? Out.

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3. I have the impression that you are going to beat my ex in bed.

I have the impression that you will be single forever. How can you invite me to bed with you not just by naming her, but comparing me to my worst enemy? Either you have never had a mother, sister, friend or you are completely insane.

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4. When you smile you look beautiful, you look like my ex.

Did you mention her again? To say that one of the most beautiful things about me is the same as her?

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5. You don't look as fat as in the picture.

You want to tell me in this twisted way that I'm fit. But you made me understand that in the photo I am fat and that you do not prefer me to be fat. In short, a disaster on all fronts. You, on the other hand, are inappropriate, just as it looked from the photo.

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After this roundup of wrong compliments that make you lose faith in the male gender, maybe it's time to feast your eyes on something good ... after all we love them for some reason, right?

Tags:  Parenthood Star Women-Of-Today