What does the 33rd week of pregnancy mean for mother and baby

Can you believe it has already been 33 weeks since you got pregnant? You now have a huge baby bump and a life growing inside of you. By the eighth month, there is less and less time for delivery. Indeed, if your baby is premature, it could be born already now. In this final stage of pregnancy you are experiencing an incredible whirlwind of emotions: joy, fear, enthusiasm and anxiety yes they follow each other without control inside you. Don't panic: it's normal! Now just think about relaxing, taking care of yourself and the moment when you can finally hug and cuddle that little creature that is inside your belly. In the meantime, in this article we explain all the information you need regarding the thirty-third week of pregnancy!

How many months are 33 weeks pregnant?

If 33 weeks have passed since you became pregnant, it means that you are now in the middle of the eighth month of pregnancy. There is less and less to give birth and you will finally be able to hold the creature you have carried in your womb for all these months!

See also

31st week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 8th month of pregnancy

32nd week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 8th month of pregnancy

34th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 8th month of pregnancy

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What changes in the mother's body?

It is undeniable, now in its eighth month, you will inevitably have noticed that your body continues to change from day to day. Your breasts are becoming more and more swollen and it is of fundamental importance that in this period you take care of the nipples because it is from there that your little one will draw his main source of sustenance in the first months of life. Keep them well hydrated, using special lotions, and dry them with a rough cloth to strengthen them.

At 33 weeks, it is very common to suffer from hemorrhoids. Do not panic: it is a rather normal phenomenon, caused by constipation, hormonal changes and an increase in progesterone. Try to drink as much as you can, eat mostly fiber and vegetables, and if the situation does not improve, contact your doctor.

Childbirth is getting closer and closer: one piece of advice we give you to be ready is to train your pelvic floor. Thanks to specific exercises, you will make the area more relaxed and elastic and this will help you to give birth more easily.

Other symptoms of the thirty-third week:
need to push frequently
stomach ache
tiredness and breathlessness
swollen feet

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The growth of the fetus at 33 weeks

After 33 weeks, the length of the fetus is around 46 centimeters on average, while the weight is around 2 kilos. Its development is almost completely completed and, in fact, it already looks very similar to what it will look like at birth. The immune system as well as the nervous system are still being finalized, but, should the baby be born premature, it should not have major survival problems. On the contrary, it has been shown that 98% of newborns who are born at 8 months instead of 9 are able to do it without major complications.

An interesting aspect of recent weeks is that the baby is increasingly receptive to the flavors experienced through maternal nutrition, so it is really important that the pregnant woman carefully chooses what to eat. Furthermore, it is from the amniotic fluid that the fetus absorbs the substances that allow it to strengthen its immune defenses.

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Have you already chosen the name for your baby? If you run out of ideas, get inspired by our list of names for all tastes and discover their meanings!

Some tips for the partner

The person who supports the pregnant woman is a figure of fundamental importance. The partner, in fact, is called to give constant support to the future mother, standing next to her in times of need as well as in carefree ones. Furthermore, its presence is absolutely essential as it is reassuring during gynecological visits and the pre-birth course, useful for the training of both parents and not just mothers. The partner or the partner of the pregnant woman may think of even starting to keep a diary, in which to fix memories, emotions and sensations and collect photos and thoughts of these particular months. Another thing that the future parent can do during the pregnancy of the partner or wife is to inquire through books on neonatology and pedagogy. Finally, if you are in this position, remember to show off your most romantic side, surprising the future mother of your parents. children with loving gestures and even more caring attention.

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Body in pregnancy: how to accept it

Pregnancy is a profoundly subjective experience and the same applies to the perception that one has of one's body in this particular period. Some women see themselves radiant and more beautiful than ever, others, however, struggle to recognize themselves and, above all, to accept all the changes that, quarter after quarter, affect their body. Let's start with an assumption first: weight gain is totally normal. Always remember that you are carrying another living being inside you and that, during pregnancy, it is inevitable to gain between 8 and 12 kg. Don't get obsessed with the numbers on the scales: get active, adopt a healthy and balanced diet and be grateful to that same body that is helping you to accomplish this exceptional feat.

After giving birth, when you have given birth to your beautiful baby, you will have all the time in the world to get back into shape and enjoy yourself in the mirror again. In the meantime, be patient, thinking about the extraordinary experience you are living and love every single part of you, keeping in mind all the strength, internal and external, that you had in dealing with pregnancy first and then giving birth.

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Pregnant nails

During this time, your nails may appear weaker than usual, breaking frequently. Accept this change too and don't insist on booking a manicure a week from your trusted beautician. During pregnancy, especially in the final months, we recommend that you cut them short and embellish them with a reinforcing nail polish, preferably transparent so as to require less care (now you are already quite into something else!). Pay attention to the ingredients contained and, once applied, avoid biting your nails, otherwise you could ingest fragments of nail polish, potentially harmful to the fetus. Also, having short nails will allow you to pamper your baby more easily, without the risk of scratching or hurting him - remember that his skin is extremely delicate!

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Breast in pregnancy: some useful tips

By the 33rd week of pregnancy, your breasts may feel swollen and painful. This part of the body, which is subject to enormous changes during this period, has no muscles, but it is important to ensure its maintenance by working the pectorals. To do this, extend your arms to the side and make small circular movements (15 in one direction and 15 in the other). Then, with your elbows raised and parallel to the ground, push your palms together for 10 seconds. Relax and start over. (To be repeated 10 times).

Back pain in pregnancy: here's how

The weight of the belly leads to an increase in lordosis, that is, the curvature of the lumbar spine towards the front. This phenomenon, associated with weight gain and changes in hormonal balance, can lead to compression of the intervertebral discs (the elastic pads that separate the vertebrae) and of the nerves that, starting from the spinal cord, exit the vertebral column. one of the symptoms most often encountered by pregnant women is back pain, associated with lower back pain and pain in the back of the legs and buttocks, due to compression of the sciatic nerve.

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Here are some positions to adopt to relieve back pain:

- To relax your back, kneel down and, a little at a time, rest your forehead on the floor. Put your arms behind your body, palms facing the ceiling. Stay in this position for a few minutes, breathing deeply.

- To stretch your back and perineum, you can sit with your legs crossed, keeping your hands folded in front of your chest: keep your back straight, raising your arms upwards, above your head. Inhale deeply and slowly. Exhale, relaxing your arms. arms Repeat this exercise until your back feels well "stretched".

- To relieve lower back pain, squat down and put your hands between your thighs. Avoid squeezing your belly. Inhale deeply, as if you want to let air into your belly and lower back. Drop your head forward and breathe through your nose, following your own rhythm.

See also: More particular and original baby names

© iStock Special and original male names for your baby!

Thirty-third week of pregnancy: some useful tips

Here are some tips to better cope with pregnancy:

  • Practice regular physical activity: prefer free body gymnastics and postural exercises for the back. The movement will help you feel more energetic and supple, making you ready for delivery. In addition, motor activity stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, preventing the swelling episodes that characterize pregnancy. In addition, if you experience digestive problems, we recommend that you take short walks following a meal.
  • Follow a rich and varied diet, eating healthy and balanced. Enjoying very different foods will prepare the baby's taste buds to welcome new flavors. In particular, try to eat foods rich in magnesium (almonds, lentils and wholemeal bread), calcium (vegetables and fish) and iron (apples, parsley and nuts). Also, stock up on folic acid, a vitamin essential for your baby's regular development, found mostly in green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Avoid excessively fatty, spicy, fried foods and, in addition to alcoholic beverages, do without coffee. These foods, in fact, can cause irritation and consequent heartburn.

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  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and facilitate the formation of teeth in the fetus. Plus, heavy drinking throughout the day will help prevent urinary infections. In this regard, always make sure both before and after sexual intercourse and to practice proper intimate hygiene.
  • Limit your exposure to the sun as much as possible, especially in the hottest hours. The combination of sun rays + hormonal changes could lead to the appearance of some unpleasant spots on the skin. If your pregnancy affects the summer period, remember to wear wide-brimmed hats and to apply a very high index (50+) protective cream several times over the whole body.
  • Take care of your tummy! During pregnancy, your body undergoes major hormonal changes. Expectant mothers secrete a hormone, cortisol, which tends to atrophy collagen, the main cause of tissue elasticity. This could lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which appear especially during the last trimester. To remedy the problem, it is all about prevention. Moisturize and soften the skin, applying an anti-stretch mark moisturizer in the morning and in the evening with circular massages: first of all on the stomach (don't forget the lower abdomen and the navel!) And then on the hips, breasts and buttocks.

Visits to do

Have you been pregnant for 33 weeks now and want to better understand which tests to perform during this period of pregnancy? Read below, where we explain in detail what are the tests to undergo at 8 months to monitor your health and that of the baby, and the growth of the latter.

  • Hepatitis B, C and HIV viruses
  • Control of blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Urine culture

Not to be forgotten

Start designing the room that will host the baby
Start preparing the bag for hospitalization

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