High or low forehead: what is the meaning?

Facial features not only determine our aesthetic appearance, but also say something very important about us and our personality.The discipline that deals with studying this correspondence between the inside and the outside is called "morphopsychology".

Forehead, eyes, nose, lips, chin: what do they say about us? After seeing what it means to have big or small eyes, let's find out together what is the meaning of having a high, low or regular forehead.

And for all those who really want to cover their forehead, here are some tips to get a perfect fringe:

High forehead: meaning

Is your forehead high, wide and protruding, and is your hairline located at the top of your head? Here's what that means!

You have a good ability to memorize information. You enjoy learning and are capable of studying difficult and complex subjects. Mathematics, physics, philosophy and many more. Your intelligence needs to express itself in a specific area.

Being very cautious, you find the dangers very easily and know how to evaluate them. You don't like risk and everything that belongs to the same sphere: the unknown, the disorder, the indeterminacy, the ambiguity and the irrational. What you are looking for is clarity, security, order and normality. Proceed slowly but confidently and always within a pre-established pattern.

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Regular forehead: meaning

If your forehead is neither too high nor too narrow, it means that you have a great intelligence capable of perceiving multiple situations. Your motto is: "What is conceived well, is clearly stated". You appreciate clear ideas, obvious and figurative concepts. This makes you a very informed and organized person.

You have a very rational personality but you also rely heavily on feelings and intuition. This combination of precision and imagination makes you a balanced person, capable of solving the most complicated situations.

Low forehead: meaning

Your forehead is narrow, the hairline is located in the lower part of the head, the face is not elongated? That's what it means.

Problems and thoughts are almost nonexistent for you! To face reality, reflection is certainly not the means you prefer. Being very independent, you don't like to waste time examining situations, analyzing the smallest details meticulously.

You are a feisty person. Act first, then reflect. You prefer to learn from your actions and draw conclusions from your mistakes. Your ideas and your principles arise from your experience.

Your forehead is also important for choosing the right eyebrow shape for you ... look here for inspiration:

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