how to stop procrastinating everything to the next day?

The causes of this bad habit

This tendency, which consists in postponing to the next day what could be done earlier, can be expressed in various sectors: at work, in daily life and in the affective field. To get rid of it, it is important to look for its causes. Contrary to popular belief, procrastination, which is sometimes accompanied by a great sense of guilt and an inability to act, is very rarely linked to laziness and much more often is caused by a form of worry.

Fear of failure: Faced with some decisions, projects or missions, you may feel incompetent, you may be afraid of not being able to complete them, or of receiving criticism. Then, like an ostrich, he puts his head in the sand and does not want to face what, instead, must be faced.

See also

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A form of perfectionism: A party to organize, an idea to put into practice ... everything must be perfect. This desire for absolute perfection, to reach almost unattainable goals, can inhibit the perfectionist.

The fear of success: it may seem paradoxical, but sometimes reaching one's goal can distress the hyperactive. This fear is related to the fear of emptiness. Postponing allows you to delay this moment.

Good to know: This habit should not be dramatized. Some perform better when they are under stress and for them the adrenaline associated with urgent situations is extremely stimulating.

Tips to learn how to act now!

Trust yourself - this is easier said than done! Procrastination, in fact, is often linked to a lack of self-esteem and one's skills. It is therefore important to learn how to work on yourself, alone or with the help of a therapist.

Manage your time better: the clock is your worst enemy! To avoid having to catch up on the minutes and days that slip away, learn to organize yourself. Make a list of the things you need to do, but set reasonable goals. It is preferable to start with 3 or 4 things to do in the day, rather than being disheartened by an endless list of goals to be achieved. Without forgetting the pleasure you will feel in erasing, gradually, the things you will be able to do!

Free yourself from secondary occupations: it is amazing how many things to do you can find, when you do not want to dedicate yourself to the main task that lies ahead. We call our friends, put our shoes in order, spend hours on the Internet. Stop it! Identify these substitute occupations, at the cost of disconnecting from the outside world by letting the answering machine take care of answering the phone, for example.

Imagine ... Imagine for a few seconds the feeling of well-being you will experience when you have completed the famous tasks that paralyze you. By becoming aware of the well-being that awaits you, you will do what is necessary to achieve it as soon as possible.

In any case, you cannot avoid facing the situation you fear so much: we might as well act immediately!

To learn more: Read the American best-seller: "Said, done! The art of efficiency" by David Allen, Edizioni Sperling & Kupfer (Target series).

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