4 simple yoga poses to do at home to be foolproof between the sheets

The benefits of Yoga are many: it helps you stay focused, connects you to your breath, improves flexibility, strength and tones the pelvic floor muscles. All of this can help you a lot in the bedroom!
Maintaining concentration when you are under stress free from thoughts and helps to focus on being more sensual. Yoga is a discipline that can be practiced comfortably at home, and independently, therefore accessible to everyone. Practicing this discipline can give a sprint to your life sexual, along with these other techniques

By practicing Yoga, you also learn not to get contracted, which is a huge bonus when you are having sex. By engaging the muscles of the vagina, deeper and more intense orgasms can be achieved. But let's immediately discover 4 positions to definitely improve performance between the sheets!

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1. The pose of the eagle to be more resistant

The Eagle pose is a great way to strengthen the inner thigh. Bend your knees and cross your left thigh over your right thigh. Then cross your right arm under your left arm and also your wrists together, pressing your hands together if possible. Hold the position for 5 to 8 breaths. Try to keep your thighs tight and engage your buttocks, a panacea for your private parts and to have more resistance to hold a position (like you on top). Then release and repeat on the opposite side.

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2. The squat to be more open and flexible

Squats are great for strengthening the legs, hips, buttocks, and heart. They also help you get into different sexual positions more easily by relieving pressure on the hips, shoulders and inner thighs. Start by opening your feet a little beyond the width of your pelvis, bend your knees all the way, leaving your pelvis free. Put your elbows on your thighs and press your hands together with your chest.

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3. The pose of the pigeon to increase the sexual charge

The pigeon pose is a good way to open the hips and encourage blood flow to the pelvis and pelvic tissue. You will feel sexier as you inhale and open your chest in the first part of this pose, and even more as you lean forward, pushing the opening deeper into the hip region. Leaving your head forward, take another 5 breaths here. then repeat on the other side.

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4. The pose of the camel to prepare for the acrobatics

This is the ultimate sexy pose, by throwing your head back and arching your upper back, you can boost confidence and your natural sex appeal. When you open your chest you learn to breathe deeper (we often hold our breath during sex, but when we breathe deeper, the blood flows better and this can only improve our orgasms!). Starting on the floor, put your hands on your heels and lift your chest to the ceiling. Stay in this pose for 5 breaths then come up and feel the position. Repeat one more time.

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