22 stages that women experience during a groin wax

Before reading this article, find out how to prepare your skin for hair removal and reduce irritation!

1. The preparation

That is the dramatic and fateful moment when you realize you need a "deforestation" in the lower parts ...

See also

Groin hair removal: wax or razor? The best methods for int

Hair removal with hot wax

Arab waxing: how to prepare it at home? Recipe, doses and ingredients of the wax or

2. The shower

Long and thorough, as well as including a deep scrub in nooks and crannies that you almost didn't know you had. And don't neglect a good moisturizer either because even if not necessary before waxing, you don't want the beautician to think you neglect yourself!

3. The outfit

It doesn't matter if it's sunny outside or a snowstorm is coming, the important thing is to wear airy, loose-fitting clothes that don't compress the part.

4. Book the appointment

American, Hollywood, Brazilian, French style or bikini: which wax to choose when making an appointment? Usually the one that seems to us, from the name, the least painful. Hollywood? Big mistake ...

5. The day has come

You've stayed away from the razor for at least two weeks, check that the area is ready and look forward to the feeling of being a "real" woman again.

6. The meeting

The embarrassing encounter with those who, soon, will be a few centimeters from your private parts ...

7. Keep calm

It does not matter that the beautician is used to seeing an unspecified number of genital areas every day: you continue to be embarrassed every time you are on the bed.

8. The pleasantries

Appeal to listening beauticians: do not try to talk to us in that calm and calm tone because there is nothing less soothing than a groin wax. It is useless to try to get distracted by asking ourselves what are our plans for the day: we will spend the rest of the time recovering from the psycho-physical stress that you are about to make us live!

9. The hot wax

You didn't think this was the most painful moment, actually when the hot wax - very hot - settles on your lower parts, you have the impression that these are about to catch fire ... you didn't remember it like that, did you?

10. The pain

You are not even notified when the highlight is near. And the surprise effect comes, in the most painful, drastic and excruciating way possible.

11. Face evil

You don't know whether to scream or get into a fetal position to counteract the pain you feel! Then you think that the beautician must necessarily have broken up with her boyfriend to have all this repressed anger to be expressed in such a violent way. Ahiiiii!

12. The hate

You didn't think it was possible to hate someone so much, but you immediately change your mind when you realize that your only desire is to see the beautician's face cut out and stuck on the strip along with your hair!

13. You start considering the benefits

One moment though. The result could have its advantages. Surely now you will find a boyfriend who will just as surely appreciate the result.

14. The Hollywood wax, or INTEGRAL

They absolutely have to find a different name for this type of wax that has absolutely nothing that can in any way refer to the Hollywood imaginary!

15. The worst is over

The look that the beautician gives you at the end of the work is one of those that mean: "Now you feel beautiful, right? Did you see that it was worth it? ". But no, no reassuring words, just a threatening one:" And never pass the razor again. In fact, remember to make your "waxing appointment every month". Thing? He's kidding, right?

16. The shame

You feel violated. Someone just got paid to make you scream in pain and maybe even bleed. There is something deeply unfair about all of this.

17. Now comes the "beautiful"

Favor 40 euros. This really hurts.

18. And then comes the "after"

Never again. Your crotch now looks like a plucked chicken breast and, at least for now, just the idea of ​​showing it to a possible suitor during a hot match, makes you sick!

19. The new you

When the redness disappears and you are able to walk like a normal person again, you feel like a new woman. You have never felt so light, smooth and soft. Money well spent after all.

20. Bikini time

You are ready to show off the bikini, even the most minimal one. And you can also sunbathe in any position, as well as fall asleep without fear of some unruly hair coming out. You are smooth and velvety like silk. Victory!

21. Happiness

Summer is over and the dreaded hairs have not yet appeared. May you never have to undergo such torture again?

22. Make an appointment again ...

The result was worth it, but you just have time to formulate this thought that it's time again to run for cover and book the next wax. Come on, now at least you will be psychologically prepared!