September zodiac sign: find out if you are Virgo or Libra

In astrology, the month of September is linked to the zodiac signs of Virgo and Libra. Those born between August 24 and September 23 belongs to the sign of Virgo, while those born between September 24 and October 22 are a Libra. By the way, did you know that your zodiac sign affects how much you need to sleep? If you don't believe it, check out the video below!

The characteristics of the sign of Virgo

Who was born under the sign of Virgo, or in the month of September, is a precise person, attentive to details, fussy and loyal. The planet that governs the horoscope is Mercury, while its element is the Earth. Like the Earth, in fact, Virgins have their feet firmly planted on the ground and do not like to get lost in daydreams (typical, instead, of the signs of water and of air such as Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini and, of course, Libra). Virgo people are very precise, neat, methodical and love to analyze all situations with their sharp critical sense.

On the other hand, they are also clerks who are sometimes a little too obsessed with the desire for perfection. They love to clean, tidy up, organize and disorder makes them uncomfortable. They are responsible, autonomous, individualistic and very pragmatic individuals: they hate frivolity, chaos and "improvisation. In friendship they do not open easily but when they find a sincere person with whom to share life, they are loyal, loving, patient, devoted and very faithful. Virgo cares a lot about her health, in fact she loves to keep fit and do physical activity.

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The Virgin in love

In love, Virgo is a faithful and reliable partner, of course, not very passionate but still a person who can be counted on in all aspects of life. He loves romance (as long as it's not too cheesy) and is one of the most detail-oriented signs of the zodiac. Although she may be a little jealous, she remains a devoted partner who is difficult to argue with. The Virgo love horoscope is at its best with other earth signs such as Taurus and Capricorn, while chemistry can be difficult. with the fiery Leo, with the Sagittarius, with the sign of Pisces, and above all with the Cancer Scorpio, on the contrary, is an excellent partner for all Virgos.

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The characteristics of the sign of Libra

Those born under the sign of Libra (from September 24 to October 22) are always friendly, smiling and sociable people. Unlike Virgo, a bit heavy and perfectionist, Libra is imaginative, light, flirtatious at times, but always very creative. Women of this sign love fashion, art, music, in fact Libra is considered one of the finest signs in the whole zodiac!

Being an air sign, Libra can sometimes be indecisive, with its head in the clouds and flirtatious, however it always remains a very balanced sign that, unlike Pisces, Gemini and Cancer, keeps its feet firmly on the ground (just like the Taurus and Scorpio) In their work, Libra people are highly regarded professionals especially in the artistic field and tend to never favor favoritism because they have a very developed sense of justice.

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The sign of Libra in love and health

Those born in September under the sign of Libra, being exposed to the influence of an air sign, need to have constant intellectual stimuli, to communicate with others in a fluid way and to receive a certain variety of cultural stimuli. In love they are very romantic and in the partner they look for the beauty of the shapes and the pleasantness in the ways, it is no coincidence that their dominant planet is Venus. But be careful: Libra loves to seduce and can turn out to be an unfaithful companion.
As for health, Libra is a sign that cares a lot about its physical appearance. He loves to take care of himself and of those around him and does not neglect the small signals sent by his body.

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