Personality test: which tv series protagonist are you?

By now the series have a long past, long enough to have influenced several generations. Some female protagonists have become known to everyone, even without having seen the series of which the aforementioned is the protagonist. And let's say that various platforms, such as Netflix and Prime, have exacerbated the addiction to the series ... the video below shows you how to face a marathon of episodes, we know you know what we are talking about, look:

Test: which TV series protagonist are you?

Now, if based on your character you were to magically transform into one of the most famous protagonists of different series, which would you be? Your answers will reveal to you which TV series you would have been the queen, just take our test and find out what famous female protagonist you are:

See also

Personality test: which protagonist of "Sex and the City" are you?

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Speaking of TV series, which character of the new and very popular Netflix mini-series are you? Find out which character from "The Chess Queen" tells something about you, take our test:

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