Comfort zone: what it is and how to get out of our safe "nest"

Having habits gives us certainties. It may seem strange, but many people like that routine that is often called boring and boring so much that they would never leave it. This safe place - not physical, but mental - is called a comfort zone extensively studied in psychology.

Before discovering in detail what it is and understanding how you can go outside of it, it is good to say that getting out of the comfort zone is one of the fundamental steps to develop your self-esteem and not always feel at the mercy of others or of events.

What is the comfort zone?

In general, the comfort zone is a psychological state. The English term comfort zone it seems to derive from that temperature range between 19 and 26 degrees, where we feel neither hot nor cold. In short, it means the ideal climate where we feel good without even knowing it.

Applied to psychology, the comfort zone is that mental area of ​​ours where we feel protected and safe. It is made up of habits that remain unchanged over time and that mark everyday life depriving it of any risk. Taking some examples, the comfort zone could be described as that certain job that does not change despite not bringing us satisfaction, like that week at the beach that is done every year in the same place, like that restaurant where you go every Saturday night. because "that's how it is" or like that sofa we love to lie on after a day away from home.

All this leads us to feel a sense of familiarity, ease and full control over a situation, without experiencing any state of anxiety, stress or fear. However, it may seem absurd but always remaining in this idyllic state is not good for us because it can turn into a "golden cage".

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Why do you have to get out of it every now and then?

It may come naturally to wonder why it is necessary to get out of one's ideal and dangerous state of mind. The answer is simple: always staying in the comfort zone blocks our growth, our personal development and deprives us of those new experiences fundamental for a life lived in color and not in black and white. It is obvious that everyone needs their own certainties, their own "rituals" made up of habits and safe places to take refuge, but there are signs that tell us if you are stuck in your comfort zone.

First of all, you are if you feel that you are no longer growing either intellectually or emotionally, living in a state of apathy. Then, another symptom of this closure is the rejection of any new ideas or experiences and a constant lack of motivation towards everything. Finally, you are afraid of doing those things that come out of your seminar.

Already in this way you can understand why this situation is absolutely stalled and how it does not lead you to a real discovery of yourself. Getting out of the comfort zone makes you more proactive, develops and strengthens your self-esteem as it puts you in touch with all your abilities, increases your creativity and amplifies your limits, making you more inclined to change. The result? You will feel more alive, with more positive energies and you will no longer be a spectator of your existence, but the protagonist.

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Comfort zone vs panic zone

We have said why it is essential to leave your comfort zone at least every now and then. However, it must be emphasized that going outside of it means arriving at the so-called personal learning and development zone which, however, is not the only area that can be found. In fact, in addition to it, there is the panic zone.

When we are in the comfort zone we do not perceive many sensations, except that of extreme calm and tranquility. As already stated, what is missing is precisely that stimulus that spurs us to improve or to do something different. If we are stimulated, we are pushed out of our "safe nest" and catapulted into what the British call. learning or development zone, which is the optimal learning area.

In it we find less serenity because we experience a certain degree of stress, anxiety and discomfort. Nothing unsustainable, because we are faced with challenges that we can face thanks to our skills and that "goad" us in a positive way.

In psychology, however, if the level of fear and anxiety is exceeded, then the situation is reversed because we will enter the panic zone. In this mental condition, the same negative factors exert too much pressure and this no longer pushes us, but rather blocks us and performance drops. Therefore, it is essential to know your limits and expand them little by little and without haste, making the panic zone more and more distant and difficult to reach.

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How to get out of the comfort zone in 3 steps

So getting out of your comfort zone is necessary for your personal growth and any success. Especially for most of the more timid, reserved and fearful of nature, this seems like an "almost impossible" task, but it is not. Getting out of your comfort zone can take time but leads to advantages too important to give up in departure.

If you feel ready to come out of your shell, we suggest you follow these three tips to start living your life to the fullest.

1. Don't be in a hurry

When you decide to go beyond your comfort zone, it essentially means learning to cope with the challenges and setbacks that life presents for any person, as well as coming to terms with managing anxiety and stress. If you are starting this journey, the first fundamental rule is to give yourself time. If you have spent a good part of your adolescence and maturity always and only following your habits and your certainties, you will not be able to reverse the situation in a few days.

Start doing things that have intrigued you for a while "but that you were too afraid or lack of motivation to undertake. Don't jump straight into the unknown, but try to understand how a pinch of madness is essential to face everything from work to personal hobbies and even relationships with others. Don't listen to unfounded criticism and start your search for the positive in the new.

2. Make new experiences in company

Friends see each other in times of need, and pushing you out of your nest is definitely one of them. To land for the first time in the development zone, you can ask for help from someone who you deeply trust and who you know is understanding towards you. A day or a weekend out of town in a place you've never been, a training session of a sport you've never tried but always wanted to do or a different "recreational activity than usual: anything that can spur you," to help you gain confidence in your abilities and strengthen your self-esteem.

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3. Accept anxiety and turn it into something positive

To always feel better in your optimal learning zone, you need to start accepting stress and discomfort. All this does not mean that they must become constants in your life, but that you always know how to manage them in a better way. By doing so, you will extend the boundaries of your comfort zone and that "safe little nest" of yours will expand.

To do this, you need to change your outlook on the unknown. It is normal for a new experience to be a little frightening, but this fear must take second place so that the news is seen in a positive way. The unknown is not to be feared, but it is a stimulating situation that can open up a thousand possibilities for change if you only accept to discover it.

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