Test: how long can you last in a couple relationship?

What type are you? Are you one of those who made a commitment at 15 and is still with the same guy? Are you one of those who feel suffocated after a week? How long can you last in a stable relationship? Not all of us are "happily ever after" girls, and it is not always the prince who dumps us after a few months. One thing we can already tell you, stable relationship or not, avoid being friends with your ex, see why:

Test: how long can you last in a couple relationship?

If then we are not all the same and not all of us are predisposed to a lasting story, as many are, it is not obvious that you will resist in a stable relationship. So if you want to know if you really are a person with a lasting history or if you are a person who prefers to protect his personal spaces at all costs, just take our test:

See also

Test: what relationship do you have with your body?

Couple Test: What's the Perfect Position for You Two?

Couple Test: Is Your Boyfriend Really Crazy About You?

Who is secretly in love with you? Just take the test to find out who your secret fan is:

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