Karma: what it is and what are its laws

Very often we hear about Karma, a concept that now seems to be familiar to everyone, but which, in reality, few know for sure. In fact, phrases such as "this is Karma" or "Karma exists" have entered the common vocabulary, although the meaning of Karma is confused most of the time with a kind of higher Destiny that rewards or punishes men in the course of their lives. Instead, at the basis of all this there is the great law of cause and effect, that is of action and reaction, according to which what you give today will be what you will receive tomorrow. In addition, it is part of a cycle of death and reincarnation that is typical of Eastern philosophies and the Indian religion.

In this article we will explain to you what the term "Karma" means and what are the laws that govern this fascinating concept. Finally, you will be able to discover the benefits of Karma Yoga, the discipline that combines the well-being of the body with that of the mind.

The definition of the term: what is Karma?

The word "Karma" comes from Sanskrit, the official language of India with very ancient origins, dating back to the 10th century BC There is no precise translation in Italian, but it can be compared to our terms of "act" or "action" or "rite ", if read in a religious key. Normally, one is wrong to believe that Karma is a" foreign entity to the earthly world or a higher Force such as Fate or Fate on which human beings cannot act. Instead, Karma is a law that depends only on one factor: us. All individuals decide their destiny independently, acting as protagonists in life with their choices.

Thus, in Indian philosophy and religion, Karma is the action that every sentient being performs within that principle of cause and effect. All this fits into a larger system that takes the name of Samsara, that is the cycle of death and rebirth that every soul goes through. Nobody can escape reincarnation as nobody can decide what their own body will be in the future rebirth. However, on all this influences, in fact, our decisions and the various behaviors put in place in the course of a life.The ultimate goal of this cycle is the complete liberation from every type of body.

See also

Karma phrases: all the most beautiful, deep and funny phrases

The Law of Karma: how cause and effect works in love and in any other environment

Empathy: what it is, what are its types and why it is tried

The Types of Karma

Once we understand that Karma is not a supreme law that is independent of us and our behavior, but that it is a direct consequence of it, it is good to know that there are different "types". Surely, the best known is the so-called "individual Karma", which depends entirely on our actions, but there are also family, collective and, finally, global ones.

Family Karma is that which takes into account the acts and vicissitudes in the various generations, capable of bringing positive or negative effects on the family of the present. The collective one, on the other hand, concerns us and the people who live in the same place as us, which can be identified either with a street or with a neighborhood or district. Finally, by "world Karma" s "he means the international one.

All this serves to understand how an individual always has an active role in his own life and in that of others. He does not undergo the actions of a higher will as a reward or punishment, but experiences the effects of his own behavior.

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The 12 Laws of Karma

Each person in the course of their existence must strive to ensure that their Karma remains positive. For this reason there are laws, twelve to be exact, which help us in this intent. We specify that more than real laws, these are life lessons, which serve to educate our deepest self and improve us, in such a way as to get rid of any trace of negative Karma and live better.

1. The great law
Essentially it is the norm that governs the whole concept of Karma. This is the law of cause and effect, already known in the West also under the name of the Law of "attraction." What you sow you will reap ": this is the underlying principle. Therefore, always try to behave in the right way and to give your best, because everything you give will also be what you receive.

2. The law of creation
It is connected to the discourse made for the various types of Karma. Everyone must live their existence in an active way: only in this way can you get what you want. Therefore, if at this moment you feel that you do not like something in your life, take action: take it back, do not remain a secondary spectator and change it.

3. The law of humility
Always blaming others for something that happens directly to us will not lead to any results. Be humble and remember that to make any change you must first look within and accept yourself. That of humility is the karmic law on which Buddhism focuses most.

4. The law of growth
We cannot want others to change or improve if we ourselves are the first not to. The first change to make is that in ourselves and must not concern the people or the environment around us. Our inner growth is essential to act correctly. Others will have to make the same path themselves.

5. The law of responsibility
This life lesson encompasses, in general, all the teaching of Karma in itself. You are responsible for everything that happens to you. You are the reflection of your past experiences and your present actions will be reflected in your future. look for connections or external faults for what we live: we are the main authors of our life.

6. The law of connection
Past, present and future are interconnected, step by step, to infinity. For this it takes time to cancel the actions dictated by negative Karma.

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7 The law of focus
Your existence will be successful if you can focus your attention on only one thing at a time. This is because by doing so, your spirituality will not be touched by negative feelings such as anger or envy, and you will accomplish your goals as best you can.

8. The law of hospitality
Life is continually testing us and we must be able to accept and accept these challenges.Only in this way will you know if you are putting what you have learned previously, applying the right rules and values ​​to make Karma as positive as possible.

9. The law of the here and now
This law is the life lesson of the present. In fact, if you live continuously in the past, always and only rethinking experiences already lived and what you could have done to change them, you will not be fully enjoying existence. In the same way, being projected exclusively towards the future leads you not to grasp the " moment and to be an easy prey to enemies of mind and body, such as stress, anxiety and tension.

10. The law of change
History repeats itself over and over again, repeating the same situations and scenarios to us. This, however, occurs until we demonstrate that we have learned from our mistakes and are therefore able to change our actions. All this can only be the result of a "careful introspection.

11. The law of patience and reward
Every goal achieved, every great result achieved requires constant work and patience. Only those who know how to combine these two aspects will not only be able to overcome difficulties but also reach the much desired goal and enjoy the reward obtained at the end of that journey to the fullest.

12. The law of meaning and inspiration
Finally, the last law shifts the focus on how each person is fundamental in the life of the world and the universe. Whenever you do something positive it will not only come back to you in the form of personal good, but it will also feed your "good" energies of a greater system For this reason one must not act only for oneself, but in view of a higher Whole.

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Karma Yoga

Perhaps not everyone knows this but there are different varieties of yoga, each of which refers to a specific school of thought. That of Karma Yoga basically rests on a principle: every action must be performed in full awareness and must be, at the same time, disinterested. This means that you have to act without any ulterior motive or just to seek approval, but accepting whatever outcome occurs. The main benefits of Karma Yoga are the elimination of performance anxiety, careful self-analysis and introspective work, greater inner calm and a profitable focus only on one's own abilities.

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