How to choose highlights based on hair color

Do you want to renew your hair color without resorting to a drastic change? If you are tired of shathus and bayalage, a soft choice could be that of highlights, perfect for lightening the hair and to give a new light to the hair regardless of your natural starting color.

Whether you are dark-brown, light-brown, dark-blond or light-blond you can, with light strokes, give dimension and movement to your hair thanks to bright and personalized reflections.

How to choose the highlights?

There are basically three elements to consider if you decide to give your hair natural reflections, as if they were caused by exposure to the sun: the color of the complexion, the color of the eyes and that of the hair.

If, for example, you are light blondes, with a candid complexion and blue or green eyes, the highlights must be very light in order to stand out and stand out from the rest of the hair.

See also

Colored mascaras: here's how to choose them based on your eye color!

Eyeshadows: discover the ones that suit you best based on your eye color!

Henna for hair: what it is and which one to choose based on your color!

Starting color: light blond

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If, on the other hand, yours is a darker blond and your eyes and complexion are not very clear, warmer honey or caramel shades will be perfect for you, if you like to dare, even more tending to orange, a color that is back in vogue even among the star.

Starting color: medium-dark blond

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Even those with brown hair can get fantastic effects with highlights: if you are dark brown and have olive skin, to illuminate your hair it will be enough to opt for a very natural result through a color close to the starting one.

Starting color: dark brown

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If, on the other hand, yours is a medium or light brown you can choose between a lightening more tending to blond or a copper-red one, which will give a boost of vitality to your look.

Starting color: medium-light brown

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Discover all the secrets to lighten and brighten your hair!

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