Indoor plants, the best 15 varieties to grow at home

Indoor plants are an excellent alternative for those who want to enjoy the fresh and relaxed atmosphere that greenery gives to the house. Don't worry, growing a potted plant isn't just for those with green fingers. Here are 15 beautiful and easy-to-maintain plant varieties ... Gardening has never been easier! And then plants purify the air, did you know? Find out by watching the video below.

Indoor plants: general tips for their maintenance

Indoor plants are the ideal choice if you don't have an outdoor space or if you don't want to spend too much time on green maintenance. Whether they are succulent or tropical plants, with flowers or evergreen, indoor plants give a extra touch to the house and help purify the air we breathe. Growing them is not difficult, it only requires a little attention because the indoor varieties need the right watering (neither too much nor too little) and a minimum of light, then nature will do the rest.
Furnishing the interior of your home with plants is very fashionable and today, in addition to greenhouses and garden centers, the most resistant plant species can also be purchased on Amazon or Ikea at an affordable price.

Before discovering which plant species are best suited to be kept indoors, here are some general tips for their maintenance. To grow a plant in an apartment, it is important to choose its location carefully because the amount of light it receives affects its growth. Some plant species survive well even in conditions of scarcity of solar rays, while others, if they do not receive an adequate quantity, collapse miserably. Once you have identified the right position for the plant, it is better not to move it too often: they too are habitual!

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Most of the indoor plants originate in the tropical forests of Asia and South America and for this reason they do not tolerate too low temperatures. A minimum of 12 ° -15 ° is the ideal climate, but beware: many species cannot bear to be exposed directly to the sun's rays because the leaves could burn.In this case they can be placed near an indirect light source, such as a window screened by a curtain.

Furthermore, attention must be paid to irrigation. Water stagnation under the pot must be absolutely avoided or the roots could rot. For watering the "little but often" rule applies, and, if you are undecided whether to give water or not, resort to the toothpick test. Insert a stick up to about 4 cm inside the earth: if you remove it wet, you don't need to water it. Another precaution to follow to grow a plant in an apartment is to consider the size it can reach.

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Those with limited space should focus on small species such as succulents or potted orchids, while if the size allows it, you can opt for luxuriantly growing varieties such as Ficus, Pothos or palms.
In winter, most plants go into vegetative rest, so it is advisable to reduce (or suspend) irrigation.

During the vegetative period the care of the plants is reduced to a minimum: just check that the earth in the pot has not become too dry and make sure that there is the right level of humidity in the environment.
The degree of humidity in the interior is very important because the plants do not tolerate excessively dry air. To remedy this problem, the leaves can be sprayed with a spray bottle filled with water.

15 indoor plants that require little maintenance

Among the perfect plants to keep in the apartment and that require little care we find:

  • Pothos. Very common in homes, it needs a bright environment but cannot bear direct light which can burn its leaves. It has a luxuriant growth and requires very little care, in fact it is one of the most resistant indoor plants.
  • Sansevieria. It has long and fleshy decorative leaves; it resists drought well but does not tolerate winter cold or direct exposure to sunlight. It is one of the most cultivable plants in pots and furnishes the house with little effort. The Trifasciata variety is a succulent that goes dormant in winter, so it does not need to be watered.
  • Aloe vera. It loves light and heat but does not tolerate direct contact with UV rays. Just give it a little water, place it in a clay pot and it will grow smoothly. Its fleshy leaves have multiple beneficial properties and can be used for the preparation of juices and decoctions.

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  • Hoya carnosa. Also called by the poetic name of "plant with wax flowers", it is characterized by the good scent of its petals. It is a plant native to Asia, Australia and Polynesia which gives a chic touch to the interior.
  • Spathiphyllum. Spatiphyllum (also called peace lily or moon flower) is a very resistant plant with white flowers that loves humid and bright environments.
  • Zamioculcas. It is a potted plant that can reach a considerable size, native to Asia. It has very beautiful and decorative glossy leaves. Despite being a semi-succulent plant, it does not like light and grows well even in poorly lit environments. It is sold not only in garden centers but also by Ikea due to its ease of maintenance and its decorative appearance.

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  • Begonia. Begonia is a plant with colorful flowers very common in Italy which, although it is grown mainly outdoors, also grows well in pots if placed indoors.
  • Christmas Star. A symbol of the Christmas period throughout Europe, the poinsettia has showy red leaves which, when regrown, turn green. It is a perennial species and, if you are good at it, you can make it flourish from year to year.
  • Bonsai ficus ginseng. Among the most popular indoor plants for its oriental appearance, the bonsai ficus ginseng is a variety of the bonsai family native to Japan which, compared to other pot plants, requires a little more attention. Its price is also higher. because it is a much loved plant by collectors that can reach considerable dimensions.
  • Dieffenbachia. Perfect as a houseplant, Dieffenbachia is very popular. It is a species with large green leaves, shiny, fleshy and streaked with white. Inside, however, it contains a toxic substance for pets, so if you have a dog or cat, it is best to avoid this plant.

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  • Hippeastrum. Amarillo (or amaryllis) is a plant species native to South America (Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and the Caribbean, in particular) that has spectacular red, pink and white flowers. It is suitable for growing in pots and is one of the most popular indoor plants for the beauty of its inflorescences.
  • Chamaedorea. If you are looking for a plant similar to Kenzia, this species will give you great satisfaction. It is a columnar plant, so it is best to transplant it into a deep enough pot because its roots need space to grow to full height.
  • Areca (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens). It is a houseplant that can also be found at Ikea and comes from Africa, in particular from Madagascar. Similar to the palm tree, it has thin and elegant leaves. Be careful because it can grow up to two meters in height!
  • Crassula Ovata. Succulents are among the most popular varieties in small homes because, thanks to their small size, they give a touch of green without requiring excessive space. A much loved succulent plant is Crassula Ovata, also called the jade tree and native to South Africa.
  • Frailea. Another species that belongs to succulent plants is Frailea, which, loving the shade, can live without problems even at home. Frailea is a small plant that has a beautiful yellow flower in its center. If you love succulents, this variety is a must!

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