5 steps to reduce orange peel skin

Orange peel skin is the typical unsightly effect caused by cellulite. Women are well aware of this problem: it is in fact one of the most common aesthetic conditions and derives from an alteration of the skin tissue. The appearance with which it appears is very similar, in fact, to that of an orange peel, with many small holes in the skin, clearly visible to the naked eye, depending on the severity.

The orange peel skin does not appear from the first stage of cellulite, in which the stagnation of liquids in the tissues prevails. But in the later stages of cellulite. It is enough to compress the affected area for the characteristic dimples to appear immediately., And as it grows. of gravity the orange peel appears more and more clearly, without the need for compression, making the skin lose its uniformity and tone.

The causes that cause orange peel skin are many and often derive from the combination of different factors, ranging from those due to a predisposition (family, sexual, racial ...) to those related to one's lifestyle ( eg from an "incorrect diet, lack of physical activity ...). Let's discover together 6 very useful moves to counteract the orange peel without wasting any more time.

1. Drink 2 liters of water a day

We will never tire of repeating it: hydration is essential to fight cellulite and, consequently, orange peel skin. In fact, water retention is one of the main causes of this problem. Water plays a very important role in promoting blood and lymphatic circulation, thus reducing stagnation in the tissues and promoting the necessary oxygenation.

The whole organism, if you drink enough, is drained and purified thanks to the stimulation of diuresis which favors the elimination of excess fluids.

It is recommended to drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of water per day, although it would be better to get to 2 liters. Make it so that it becomes a habit, an automatism: always carry a bottle with you and remember to sip it every now and then. Always prefer still water to sparkling water. .

Warning: avoid as much as you can sugary drinks and carbonated drinks, even those in the light version (without sugar). They contain substances that favor the retention of liquids and the accumulation in the adipose tissue. Replace them, if you wish to change them, with fresh fruit juices, tea or infusions. Alcoholic beverages, true allies of cellulite, should also be avoided.

See also

How to have smooth skin with an even complexion: 5 steps to do it!

How to nourish your hair: 5 super effective moves!

How to look younger: 5 simple steps to do it!

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> Ulla, Smart Reminder for Hydration is available on Amazon in different colors

2. Play sports regularly

A sedentary lifestyle favors the development and worsening of cellulite. Those who move little or do not practice physical activity on a regular basis increase the risk of finding themselves with orange peel skin. The movement, in fact, promotes circulation, fighting stagnation in the tissues and makes the skin more toned and elastic.

You are not required to become an athlete, but simply to begin to include exercise in your daily routine. You can start, for example, by taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or - in general - by preferring to walk outdoors. "use of a medium.

Then there are some sports particularly suitable to combat this problem, first of all swimming: in fact, this sport, in addition to bringing all the benefits of physical activity, allows an enveloping and draining massage of the tissues by means of friction with the water. .

Running and brisk walking, if practiced for at least half an hour a day, can also help reduce orange peel skin.

3. Follow a "healthy and correct" diet

Orange peel skin can be worsened by poor eating habits, and in particular by a diet low in fiber, but rich in carbohydrates and lipids. Therefore, avoid as much as possible foods such as sweet and fried, poor in nutrients, but rich in fat and sugar.

Consume plenty of vegetables, but better if steamed: among the recommended ones include aubergines, peppers, leeks and cabbage. Yes also to proteins, and in particular to those contained in white meat and eggs.

Remember to include foods rich in vitamin C (from oranges to kiwis) and vitamin P (especially red fruits) in your usual diet, which help cell regeneration. Here are some foods with detoxifying power:

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

4. Use a specific anti-cellulite cream

The 4 moves we have described so far are certainly useful and make you feel better, but unfortunately they may not be enough against cellulite: a healthier lifestyle may be important to combine with the use of a specific anti-cellulite cream, to be introduced in our daily routine.

Choose a good solution and apply it consistently, taking care to spread it with an effective massage from the ankles to the thighs in order to activate the microcirculation and intervene in a more important way on the drainage of liquids and counteract retention and swelling.

Even draining massage sessions at a professional, if done regularly and combined with the good rules described above, can help fight skin imperfections.

© Amazon

> Somatoline Cosmetic Slimming 7 Nights Fresh Gel - 400 ml can be purchased on Amazon

5. Avoid eating very salty

Salt is an ally of orange peel skin. The sodium it contains greatly promotes water retention problems, aggravating cellulite. To reduce it, it will therefore be necessary to take as little salt as possible.

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> Bonsalt Sodium Free Salty Dressing (low calorie) is available on Amazon

Start by adding less salt to the dishes you prepare: it is often just a matter of habit. Limit the consumption of packaged foods, often salted more than necessary, preserved in salt or processed (from potato chips in bags to sausages). Another trick: try to salt the water to cook the pasta only at the end of cooking, it will absorb less sodium.

Are you afraid that your dishes may be bland? Just replace the salt with spices, vinegar, herbs or - better still - lemon.