6 golden rules for healthy feet!

How to have healthy and beautiful feet, soft and well cared for? Let's face it: the feet are one of the parts of the body that we end up neglecting the most, even though we shouldn't. After all, they are the ones who support us all day!

If we do not take care of our feet, corns, calluses, cracks, blisters and so on could develop: these are not simple imperfections, but annoying and even very painful problems, which it is certainly better to prevent. Here then are the 6 golden rules for having healthy and beautiful feet, all to show off!

© IStock_000011244012Medium See also

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1. How to have soft and well-groomed feet? Hydrate them!

Healthy feet are hydrated feet. In order for your feet to be soft to the touch and neat to the eye, after washing them you will always have to moisturize them with specific creams with emollient power. This way you can prevent dry skin.

The dryness of the skin of the feet, in fact, is a very common problem, which mainly affects the sole and heel area. The loss of water by the skin that dehydrates leads to a reduction in elasticity and softness, creating annoying and unsightly cracks, especially in the heel area. Specific creams such as Scholl's Cracked Heel Cream K + are a faithful ally for have soft feet to caress, in the summer then .... even more!

2. Fight sweating and bad smell!

Foot sweating is a rather embarrassing inconvenience, which however affects many people and which, for this reason, must be faced with the utmost simplicity and tranquility. Sweating, on the other hand, is a fundamental physiological process, because it allows to regulate the internal temperature, eliminating toxins.

Sweat, therefore, is quite normal for our feet, but when it is excessive it creates a warm-humid environment that causes the bacteria responsible for the bad smell to grow. What to do then? We must start with prevention, following a "thorough foot hygiene routine and using specific deodorants that can help you in your daily routine; the ideal is to combine foot deodorant with shoe deodorant for complete protection!

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3. Don't give way to fatigue!

Our feet support us all day: and at the end of the day they can be tired, swollen or sore. Again, prevention is important. Try to walk correctly, in order to reduce the pressure on the sole of the foot and joints, and for greater and constant support throughout the day, use specific gel insoles.

To find some relief, in the evening you can treat yourself to a nice foot bath: use lukewarm water, not too hot (never exceed 36 degrees) and let your feet soak for about ten minutes at the most. You will immediately feel more rested and your feet will thank you!

4. How to have healthy and beautiful feet? Remember to always check them!

One of the first rules for having healthy and beautiful feet is not to neglect them. Try to take some time each day to check them so that you notice any cracks, blisters, warts, or calluses as soon as possible.

Calluses are nothing more than thickening of the skin which, if not treated in time, can give life to corns and calluses when subjected to continuous pressure and rubbing. Look at your feet every day, caress them so that you will immediately notice if they are forming thickenings, especially on the tips and sides of the toes, where corns are more likely to come to life. If they become hard they can also cause pain, because the swelling ends up pressing on the nerves: the best strategy is to prevent them!

To remove corns and calluses you can use specific patches based on salicylic acid. Once removed, then, you will have to protect the treated area from friction and pressure with equally specific protective plasters. To be able to prevent the reappearance of calluses, do not forget to use rich creams
of salicylic acid and lactic acid, such as the Scholl Anti-callosity Cream, specifically formulated to make the skin smooth and smooth.

5. For healthy feet, choose the right shoe!

If you are a "lover of heels, you know the problem well: they are as beautiful as they are painful, especially if worn for many hours at a time! The weight of the body, in fact, instead of discharging itself on the entire sole of the foot, does it only on the sole of the foot. front, with all the related annoyances.

Choosing the right shoe for us is essential, whether it has heels or not: healthy feet are also the result of wearing comfortable shoes that prevent any possible discomfort. Then prefer the round toe that allows the toes to move more freely, choose non-slip soles and breathable materials, which do not stimulate excessive sweating. But if the temptation to wear the latest heeled shoes you bought is too strong, use specific transparent gel insoles, such as Gelactiv Scholl insoles: you can choose the one that best suits your type of shoe!

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6. Reactivate the circulation of your feet!

In order to prevent swelling in your feet, make sure that the circulation is always on. Movement is essential, as is indulging in targeted massages from time to time, even do-it-yourself.

So remember to walk often, but at the same time avoid standing for too long. Be careful to keep your weight under control: obesity and being overweight cause numerous aches and problems to your feet.

In collaboration with Scholl

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