Fetal position: what is the psychology of sleeping in this position?

The fetal position is one of the most popular positions for sleeping, among men but - above all - among women. For some time now psychology has recognized a very specific meaning to male and female body language: touching your hair, putting a hand in front of your mouth, crossing your arms ... all these gestures unconsciously express hidden meanings, which we are not capable of. to express just as fully in words.

If body language is so full of meaning, let alone body language while you sleep! When we sleep, in fact, we let our unconscious go free to express itself and we completely lose control over our limbs. Consequently, it is entirely plausible - and many studies show it - that the position we assume while sleeping, whether it is fetal or "another, has a very specific meaning and can tell us something about our character and the way we deal with waking life.

Psychology teaches that dreams express what is hidden within us, and our body language during the night can be equally eloquent. The position we instinctively choose to rest undoubtedly has to do with our way of being during the day. So let's immediately discover together what meaning lies behind sleeping in the fetal position. But first, here's a video explaining how much sleep you should sleep in relation to your zodiac sign:

What is the fetal position?

The fetal position is the most common position for sleeping. According to statistics it is hired by 40% of people, and especially by women. In fact, it seems that the women who prefer it are almost twice as many as men!

The fetal position consists in "falling asleep in a crouched position, with the knees bent and raised towards the chest, with the pillow tightened in the arms. Often those who choose this position tend to wrap themselves in blankets like a cocoon, or like to keep them pulled until above your head, regardless of the outside temperature.

In reality, it is a position recommended by doctors because it is excellent for posture, especially if you keep the pillow inserted between the legs, in such a way as to align the pelvis and the hips.

See also

Self-awareness: the meaning according to psychology and how to increase it

Body language: turning the thumbs and its meaning in psychology

Hypnosis for sleep: relaxation techniques for falling asleep

Sleeping in a fetal position: the meaning according to psychology

The first meaning generally associated with the fetal position can be understood starting from the name: this position, in fact, recalls those of the fetus in the mother's belly, and is therefore associated with a sense of protection and nostalgia for that muffled, cocoon-like dimension. precisely, in which to feel protected and safe from all that is outside.

Consequently, those who prefer this position when sleeping will be a person in need of feeling reassured and protected, who feels their frailties and somehow wishes to regress to their childhood, a time when they could feel safer.

Those who sleep in the fetal position feel a deep need to find a center in their existence, whether it is a "other person or simply their own self, to be strengthened and made to grow. This search for a pivot can lead them to forge very strong bonds in the life, relationships of quasi-dependence, struggling instead to achieve their own autonomy.

He will therefore often show an attitude of closure, a sort of fear in exposing himself to the surrounding world and to the unpredictability of events. The fear of the other will often make him give up on opening up. In his sleep, at least, he can feel protected and become a little child again, warding off the emotional independence of adult life, which is still very difficult for him.

The fetal position in psychology also has another meaning ...

But the fetal position also has another meaning: it can be a sign of stress. A person who chooses this position may desire relief, seek internal reassurance from a difficult daily life to manage. These are often people with a great sense of responsibility, highly conscientious and with a tendency to mull over events a lot.

Those who tend to worry excessively choose the fetal position as a sort of defense of their sensitivity, thus tested by the outside world. His is shyness, reserve, but also reflexivity and the need for isolation. They are people brought to honesty and true friendship, but they need to be reassured and struggle to open up at first ... give them time!

Do you see yourself in this description or do you see your partner again? Speaking of sleep, here are some nice double beds to sleep in style ...

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