Pilates: the best exercises for the abdominals

Pilates has numerous benefits, both on the body and on the mind. The abdominals are particularly interested in the exercises of this sport, whose techniques require the commitment of the entire muscles of the trunk.

The pilates method, based on a gentle gymnastics that brings together some elements of dance and yoga, proposes a series of movements to be performed with great control and fluidity: most of these movements involve an important work for the abdominals.

The result? If practiced consistently, pilates can really help you have a flatter stomach than ever!

What are you waiting for to start? First of all, warm up with some stretching:

1. Swan dive

This exercise is very important to prepare your abs for a more intense workout. In fact, it helps to stretch the muscles well, to strengthen them, and to stretch the back.

Lie on the mat on your stomach, with your legs slightly apart. Place your palms on the ground at shoulder height. Lifting yourself up on your arms, arch your torso back, being careful to always check your abdominal muscles. Maintain the position for 30 seconds. A very similar exercise is also great for the back.

See also

Pilates: the best exercises to do with the ball

Pilates: the perfect back exercises

Pilates: excellent exercises for the neck

2. Criss cross

This exercise is very useful both for strengthening the abdominals, especially the lateral ones, and for strengthening the pelvis.

Lie on the mat with your legs bent and your hands behind your head. Raise your head with one knee flexed and twist your abdomen towards it while the other leg remains straight. Repeat the same exercise by flexing the other knee and twisting to the opposite side.

3. Double leg stretch

The double leg stretch serves to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, but also the pelvis and neck flexors.

To do this, lie down on the mat on your stomach and bend your legs back towards your torso and your arms forward, until you embrace your legs. Maintain this crouched position, then extend your legs and arms in opposite directions.

4. The Hundred

To do this exercise, lie down on the mat face up. Bend your legs tensing your abs and lift them up a little at a time. Extend your legs while keeping your abs taut and clapping your palms on the floor, then return to a relaxed position.

This is a highly recommended exercise not only for the abdominals, but also for coordination and balance development.

5. Plank

The plank is one of the most useful and well-known abdominal exercises.

To do this, lie on your stomach on the mat, resting your elbows on the ground, at shoulder height. pelvis neither too high nor too low, so as to form a straight line. Make sure that the muscles of the abdomen remain contracted and hold the position for 30 seconds.

And to get a really flat stomach, pay attention to nutrition ...

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