Brown discharge in pregnancy: what are the causes and when to worry

Brown discharge in pregnancy? Don't panic right away! Leaking brown blood, especially early in pregnancy, is quite common and there can be several causes. As you may have noticed, pregnant women tend to have more and more vaginal discharge from trimester to trimester, usually white in color. .

In some cases, however, there are also brown spots (the so-called "spotting") and it is not really the case to think about the worst! The reasons for these losses can be many and we are here to discover them together. We will also see when it is appropriate to contact the gynecologist immediately.

It must be said that brown discharge can occur in cases of miscarriage. Here is a video that explains the causes of this kind of abortion, so painful for a mother, can occur:

Causes of brown discharge in pregnancy: from implantation losses to cervical irritation

You are finally no longer menstruating because you are pregnant. However, you go to the bathroom and you realize that you have brown discharge in pregnancy, which is not menstruation ... Among the most common causes of these losses is the physiological elimination of the old blood left in the uterus: gradually the fetus it grows and develops it no longer needs the blood that was originally used to protect it. As a result, this blood is eliminated from the cervix in the form of brown leaks.

Another reason that can cause spotting in pregnancy is the irritation of the cervix itself due to a vaginal ultrasound or even sexual intercourse. If the cervix becomes irritated it can cause a small leak that can last up to a couple of days, but you don't need to worry about it.

Among the most common causes, however, we find the so-called "implantation", the moment in which the "fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine cavity. Then there will be brown losses also called" implantation losses ", which occur for almost two weeks after conception and 4 weeks after the last menstrual cycle. The presence of these losses is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy itself. These are mild and asymptomatic losses that occur when the woman should have had her normal period: in fact, it is caused by the blocking of the menstrual cycle due to hormonal variations due to pregnancy.

A less frequent case, but which must still be considered among the possible causes of brown discharge in pregnancy, is the presence of genital HPV due to the increased production of estrogen and to the increase in blood flow in the area.

Even a "cervical infection can be among the causes of brown discharge in pregnancy: if in addition to the discharge you also feel burning and itching in the vaginal area, it could be the" Verruca Virus ", which affects the cervix.

If your leaks are not really brown but are more like pink in color, it could be pink blood leaks caused by dilation of the uterine neck or other problems that it is always better to check with your gynecologist.

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More serious causes of brown blood spot loss in pregnancy

Among the less common reasons for brown discharge in a pregnant woman is the so-called "molar pregnancy", which occurs when the embryo is not growing properly and there are abnormalities in the formation of the placenta.

Brown leaks can also be present in the case of "ectopic pregnancy": when the fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus. In this case as in the previous one, it will be necessary to resort to the removal of the egg for the good of the woman.

Brown Leaks Early Pregnancy: Pregnant With Your Period?

If the bleeding occurs during the first trimester, there is generally nothing to worry about, especially if it is brown discharge and not bright red blood loss.

During the first weeks, as we have seen, it could be implantation losses, also called "false menstruation", due to the "nesting of the fertilized egg in the uterus. No, you are not pregnant with your menstrual cycle: you are pregnant and that's it!"

See also: The problems of pregnancy: daily difficulties of a pregnant woman according to Line Severinsen

© Instagram Line Severinsen The problems of pregnancy according to Line Severinsen

Brown discharge in the last trimester of pregnancy

If brown discharge occurs in the last months of pregnancy, there may be problems in the growth of the fetus and in its positioning before delivery: if you are in the last trimester and these losses occur, therefore, do not hesitate to contact your gynecologist immediately. !

Be careful, however, not to panic immediately: your doctor will help you understand, after the necessary investigations, what is due to the blood loss and then proceed in the best way, to safeguard your health and that of your baby.

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When to worry about blood loss in pregnancy?

When, on the other hand, is it good to worry and immediately contact your gynecologist in the presence of brown spots during pregnancy? First of all, if the brown discharge is continuous and you don't stop losing blood for several days.

Contact your doctor without hesitation if your leaks become heavy and if the color changes: if the leaks turn bright red it could be a symptom of a more serious problem. Be careful, then, if the losses are accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain and fatigue, which can last even for a few days or weeks.

Finally, do not hesitate to contact the gynecologist if you are already in a high-risk pregnancy, or - simply - if you feel worried: it is better to ask a few more questions and remove the doubt than to live these nine months with constant anxiety!

For more scientific information on blood loss in pregnancy, you can consult the site of the I.R.C.C.S. maternal child Burlo Garofolo.

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