
The renewal of the uterus

Menstruation is a blood loss that occurs every month, when the uterus eliminates the superficial layer of its mucosa. At the origin of this periodic renewal of the tissues there is a decrease in the secretion of hormones at the end of each cycle. provided that there has been no fertilization. The uterus "renews itself" before the next ovulation.

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See also

Mood Swings During Menstruation: Tips and Remedies

Menstruation and ovulation

The first menstruation appears with puberty, usually between the ages of 10 and 16. In Italy, the average age is 13. Menstruation indicates the presence of an ovulation cycle and therefore the ability to procreate. In other words, no ovulation, no menstruation. This is what happens during menopause, if puberty is delayed, or even if the birth control pill is taken without interruption. Attention, the menstruation that occurs between two pill blisters is artificial, because the uterus is suddenly deprived of hormones.

I have a delay in my period, why?

In the two or three years following the first menstruation, it is normal for the cycle to be irregular. Otherwise, the first cause to predict is a "possible pregnancy. The" absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), however, can have various origins: abnormalities of the uterine mucosa, psychological trauma, anorexia ...

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What are menstruation made of?

Menstrual flow is made up of cells from the uterine mucosa (the endometrium) and blood. Therefore, it is not pure blood. As for the volume of blood eliminated, it can vary from one woman to another and from one month to the next. other.

The menstrual cycle

The first day of menstruation marks the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. But every woman has her own rhythm. Most women have a cycle that lasts between 26 and 34 days. Of these, only a third have a cycle. 28 days. On the other hand, regardless of the number of days between two menstruations, they automatically occur 14 days after ovulation and last from 2 to 7 days. So it is the period preceding ovulation that varies. of each cycle, the ovaries will produce a quantity of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and release an egg in the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, it dies. The production of hormones, which had thickened the mucous membrane of the uterus. , decreases. The endometrium, then, comes off: here is the menstruation.

The discomfort caused by menstruation

Irritability, headache, nausea, bloating ... you have to get used to it. In general, these symptoms appear two to ten days before the period and disappear after it arrives. This is why the onset of menstruation is often experienced as a relief! A good remedy: take a pain reliever, but avoid aspirins, as they thin the blood.

Stop commonplaces!

There are those who think that a woman during her period is impure: therefore she cannot take a bath and even less make love. Let's try to dispel some clichés:

- First of all, during menstruation, the woman is not impure, even if numerous beliefs and some great religions affirm it. It is a process of tissue renewal, not a "cleaning".

- You can make love during your period. But it often happens that women (not to mention men) are bothered by the idea of ​​having sex, as she has the impression of being dirty. Dangers of giving birth to deformed babies by having intercourse during your period, contrary to popular belief!

- All sports are allowed, even swimming! Only one imperative: use the tampon. "The water will block my cycle" is therefore an idea to forget, unless you are looking for an excuse not to go to the pool ...

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