Swollen belly: causes, effective remedies and what to eat to counter it

Who has never had a swollen, hard and sore belly, perhaps after eating or before the period? Before discovering what to do, what are the most effective remedies to counter this annoying problem and what to eat to prevent it from recurring, let's look closely at what are the causes that can cause a swollen belly.

The unpleasant and sometimes embarrassing sensation of a swollen and hard belly is a fairly common complaint and is caused by the accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines. It often presents with meteorism phenomena, difficulty in evacuation (diarrhea or constipation), abdominal cramps and flatulence.

Before proceeding, we immediately point out some ideal foods to help fight a swollen stomach.

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What are the causes of a swollen and hard belly?

The causes of a swollen belly can be many. It can happen that the belly becomes hard and swollen after eating, especially if you have eaten a large meal and quickly. Other times, however, it can be linked to the cycle - especially in times of premenstrual syndrome - or to the arrival of menopause

The times in which the causes of a swollen belly are linked to more serious diseases, from appendicitis to colon cancer, from cystic fibrosis to gastroenteritis, from irritable bowel to Crohn's disease, are much rarer. If the problem persists, it is always best to consult a good gastroenterologist.

Often, some food intolerances, or even diseases such as celiac disease, can cause a swollen and sore belly. Without having to get to diagnose real intolerances or specific pathologies, when it is believed that some foods may be causing this accumulation of gas, it is important to pay particular attention to what you eat, when bloating phenomena occur: also in this case, it is good to contact a specialist to assess the situation and define a balanced and specific diet that helps to deflate.

Swollen belly in pregnancy

Often pregnant women have problems with a swollen and hard belly. Feeling a swollen belly in the first months of gestation is quite normal: it is in fact one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, which frequently causes annoying bloating and abdominal swelling due to the need for the gastro-intestinal system to adapt to hormonal alterations in course.

In the first three months of pregnancy, in particular, the swollen belly will be caused by progesterone slowing down intestinal functions, and it will gradually tend to enlarge. Estrogen, which causes the uterus to dilate, also swells up the abdominals. No fear, therefore, everything is normal!

Swollen belly, what to do? The most effective remedies to counter it

Among the most effective remedies against a swollen and hard belly there is "attention to a" healthy and correct diet. First of all, you must make sure you do not suffer from food intolerances, first of all lactose and gluten, among the main causes abdominal bloating and meteorism In both cases, it will be sufficient to eliminate the foods in question.

It is equally important to eat slowly, chewing the food well, to avoid swallowing too much air which will then accumulate in the stomach and intestines. Likewise, it is better not to talk while eating and to abandon the chewing gum.

Even hydration, from this point of view, will have its importance: do not forget to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day and avoid all carbonated drinks, which would only further worsen the problem of a swollen belly.

But it is also important to choose the right water to drink! Low in sodium, rich in sulphates and magnesium, Fonte Essenziale water is particularly suitable in these cases, because it helps purify the liver and stimulate the intestine, improving digestion processes and regulating intestinal motility.
Specifically, the Fonte Essenziale water purifies the liver by stimulating the production of bile and in turn lightening the workload of the intestine: this is why one of the benefits of this water is precisely to feel more deflated and light and say goodbye. a sluggish intestine, heaviness and a swollen belly. Not only that, Fonte Essenziale stimulates diuresis, thus helping to counteract water retention and swelling.

To see its beneficial effects, it is recommended to drink at least two glasses every morning on an empty stomach, preferably at room temperature and for at least 15 days. In general, however, this remains a good habit that we should always adopt in our days to combat swelling and heaviness.

Fonte Essenziale water is also suitable for pregnant women, who often find themselves living with constipation problems. In this delicate phase of female life, Fonte Essenziale water allows you to restart the intestine, recover regularity intestinal and thus promote a relaxation of the abdominal muscles.
Finally, its high concentration of calcium makes it an ideal water even for the little ones, to promote better bone development during growth.

What to eat and which foods to avoid if you suffer from a swollen stomach?

What are the foods to avoid if you suffer from a swollen and hard stomach? First of all those foods, industrial or not, difficult to digest, such as fried foods and dishes rich in fat.

Then avoid legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas ...) known to cause bloating and flatulence. Similarly, cabbage, onions, aubergines and carrots should be avoided.

Prefer, when you can, yeast-free products and limit the consumption of milk and dairy products, even if you are not really lactose intolerant.

Artificial sweeteners, contained in soft drinks as in many industrial products, also cause a swollen belly.

What to eat then, if you suffer from this problem? Vegetables, first of all; fruit, but away from meals because it does not ferment together with the foods ingested, and other foods that contain fiber, such as wholemeal ones.

Fennel (also to be consumed in the form of herbal tea), mint and fruits such as apple and blueberry promote the expulsion of gas. Finally, do not forget ginger, digestive and antioxidant.

Browse our gallery to find out which are the best foods to deflate the abdomen and get a flat stomach:

For more useful information on swollen stomachs, you can visit the Humanitas website.

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