Weekly horoscope from 21 to 27 May 2018: special days for Virgo!

Aries: turbulent love ...

Dear Aries, with your partner this week promises to be a storm! Unfavorable Venus creates very strong tensions and if there is one thing you just can't stand it is having someone tell you what to do ... Try, if possible, to tone down, especially in the very nervous days of Thursday and Friday, when you have the moon in opposition. Good news, however, on Monday. Here are three adjectives to describe you:

See also

Virgo ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Born on July 21: all the characteristics of their zodiac sign

May zodiac sign: the characteristics of Taurus and Gemini

Taurus: with the favor of the stars!

Dear Taurus, with Mercury in conjunction no one stops you anymore! This is your time: come forward, especially at work - if you want to change it or propose some project. The time is right and the results will not be long in coming. Even in love, the stars favor you: the days of Tuesday and Wednesday will be particularly full of emotions ... some discussion too much, however, at the weekend.

Gemini: a small revolution!

Dear Gemelli, the last period has been decidedly eventful for your sign: a few things have changed and now you can enjoy the fruits of this small revolution. Your week begins with a beautiful favorable moon, which will bring you luck even on Thursdays and Fridays. Between Tuesday and Wednesday, however, some inconvenience could arise. Be careful not to neglect your partner too much between your thousands of commitments ...

Cancer: long live love!

Dear Cancer, with this beautiful Venus in conjunction you unleash a true seductress force! It will be really impossible to resist: prepare to make a slaughter of the heart. If you are already in a couple, you will feel more in love than ever and you will want to make good plans with your partner. The weekend promises to be really hot! A bit of a bad mood, however, is expected on Thursday and Friday, with an unfavorable moon.

Leo: be patient ...

Dear Leone, for things at work to start going as you wish, you will have to wait a few more weeks. Do not be alarmed, then, if at the moment you find yourself facing some more obstacles or a few no. Bet everything on Monday, when a beautiful moon in conjunction will give you some more satisfaction. Instead, pay attention to the days of Saturday and Sunday, which will be decidedly nervous ...

Virgo: special days!

Dear Virgo, this week you will have both Venus and Mercury on your side: the two planets will join forces to give you truly special days full of surprises. In particular, those on Tuesdays and Wednesdays will amaze you with fireworks, thanks also to a splendid moon in conjunction! Don't waste time and take advantage of these beautiful stars to embark on new adventures, professional or sentimental, without hesitating too much.

Libra: penis of love ...

Dear Libra, this week love will give you a hard time ... with your partner you will experience ups and downs that will also lead you to think that a third wheel might emerge somewhere! If you need to clarify something, focus on Thursday and Friday, when the moon in conjunction will give you that little bit of extra luck and make you less nervous. Good news coming to work on Monday.

Scorpio: Mercury opposite ...

Dear Scorpio, don't get anxious this week if things don't go as you wish. Unfortunately Mercury in opposition creates more than one obstacle, especially in working relationships. You will be forced to compromise, but with Jupiter in the sign - in the long term - know that the victory will be yours! Favorable Venus gives you a weekend full of emotions and good times to share with your him.

Sagittarius: in recovery!

Dear Sagittarius, finally a period of recovery begins for your sign, in which to regain strength after being put to the test in every area. Monday, with a beautiful lucky moon, will bring you some good news at work, while between Tuesday and Wednesday - unfortunately - you will find yourself having to overcome some small obstacles: do not worry, however, you have now left the worst behind. ! Recovery also on the feelings front.

Capricorn: love does not forgive ...

Dear Capricorn, unfortunately for a few weeks you will have to endure the opposition of Venus, and your romantic relationship may be affected. Avoid boredom and routine as much as you can and try to get out of your comfort zone! At work, however, everything is going great: excellent confirmations coming, especially possible on lucky moon days, that is Tuesday and Wednesday. Also nice on weekends, in the name of well-deserved relaxation.

Aquarius: obstacles at work ...

Dear Aquarius, with Mercury in an unfavorable position, it will be above all the workplace this week that will create some more problems for you. Monday, in particular, will be really tough and you risk feeling down in the dumps… don't lose faith in yourself and between Thursday and Friday there will be a good recovery. On Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand, avoid touching certain chords with your partner so as not to risk discussions ...

Pisces: beautiful emotions!

Dear Pisces, this week love will give you beautiful emotions! After a period of suffering, serenity finally returns and you and your partner will be able to get the best out of each other. It will be especially the weekend, and in particular the days of Saturday and Sunday, to be tinged with passion. There will also be good news at work, just be careful not to get too stubborn on a matter between Tuesday and Wednesday ...

Tags:  In Shape Parenthood Actuality