The sentences written on school diaries that we will never forget

None of us went through elementary, middle and high school without having written or received a dedication in rhyme in the diary, where hypothetically we would have had to write down the tasks to be done at home. The rhyming phrases are a cult of our childhood and early adolescence, almost as much as the Onyx dolls!

And surely if you loved the cheesy rhymes in your journals, you would love this too:

Words of love

A classic, to also write on the bathroom walls with the name of the person concerned to let him know how much you loved him ...

"From the Alps to the Andes a cry spreads: love, you are great!"

"I wish I was your toothbrush to kiss you every morning."

"I love you and I adore you like pasta and tomato."

"For the eyes a colored eyeshadow, for the lips a velvety lipstick, for me a boy in love."

"Love is like a clover, I love you, I think of you, I want you."

"The Moon and the stars can understand me, oh sweet, I love you to death."

"The lily is white, the sea is blue, you gave me the first kiss."

"You are cute, you are lively, you are the boy I like."

And then the one for the end of love:

"When a boy leaves you, tell him: America. After all, you are the United States."

See also

Phrases about dogs: the most beautiful quotes about man's best friend

Phrases about flowers: the best to celebrate nature's most precious gift

Phrases about cats: the most beautiful and funny quotes Loading ...


Phrases for the best friend

Inevitable. After the sentences for your him, she deserved all your attention and the most beautiful rhymes! Phrases for the BFF:

"6 x 6 as friends we are ok, 6 x 7 you and I forever close!"

"You are my most beautiful friend, like bread and nutella."

"The lawn is square, the circle is round and you are the most beautiful in the world!"

"Oui in French, okay in American, I'll tell you the good I love you in Italian."

"You are not gold, you are not silver but you are a 100% friend"

"You are nice, you are beautiful, you are like a sister"

"I would never hurt you, you are my special friend"

"The new ones in the sky, the sea is blue, my only friend is always you"

"Two seas share two chains but two friends who love each other don't divide."

"I'll give you a rose I keep the thorns, may our friendship never end"

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The school-themed phrases

And they could not miss it ... because in the end without a school diary, we could not have left our dedications in rhyme!

"Caesar said it, Pilate confirmed it, the test in class should only be copied!"

"If you see the school burn down, grab a match and go help!"

"Long live you, long live me, long live school when it's not there."

'Dear diary, I open to you moved and I hope to close you promoted! "

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Besides the phrases, do you have any other memories of the nineties? Maybe you should find out how much they are worth now:

Tags:  Old-Home Old-Test - Psyche Parenthood