Keep calm

The sources of tension

Your love leaves his dirty socks all over the place, your son broke the vase you inherited from your grandmother, a clumsy driver takes your car full, in the office your colleagues make nasty comments: every day the sources of tension and of aggression are very numerous.

How to behave when arguing

See also

How to stay calm: 8 foolproof techniques

Learn to relativize

It is important to know how to relativize in all circumstances. If you can be objective in the face of the gravity of situations and try not to dramatize the small daily worries, you will be able to avoid losing patience.

When you feel that you are about to lose your temper, stop and take stock of the situation. Breathe deeply, walk a bit, drink a large glass of water and try to ask yourself: is it really that bad? Will my screams improve the situation? This way you will understand that your angry reaction may calm you down in the moment but it won't do any good in the long run.

Pay attention to your lifestyle

Having a healthy and balanced lifestyle helps to make you feel calmer: do not skip meals, eat in a balanced way, avoid exciting substances (coffee, tobacco) and do not neglect sleep (which recharges you with energy and helps you forget the tensions of the day).

To relax, play sports

Walking, running, cycling and swimming are all activities that allow you to unload and remove worries. If practiced once or twice a week, sport activates blood circulation and relieves muscle tension. You will be more relaxed in everyday life and, in case of problems, you will react more calmly.

Master your emotions in the office

Spend some time relaxing

The ideal would be to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, sophrology, meditation and massages but those who do not have time for all this can simply try listening to relaxing music.
It is essential to allow yourself some time, moments in which the brain is free from any kind of pressure. Look for a way to calm your nerves and focus on yourself and your priorities.

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