Test: what could you miss in 2020? We will reveal it to you!

The year 2020, like few others, united the world in a series of common feelings. Anger, fear, hope, sadness, love. This year, marked by a shadow as terrible as the pandemic, is then only one year from To forget? In many respects, yes, we would like to. For many others, however, no. We have rediscovered values, free time, a sense of solidarity. We have been forced to reflect and we have also been able to enjoy something beautiful. For example, those who have not seen one of their Favorite TV series? Watch the video:

Test: what could you miss in 2020? We will reveal it to you!

We will certainly not regret that beautiful concert, an incredible journey or a great movie at the cinema. But we can't just throw everything in the dustbin. At the dawn of the new year, which we are approaching with so much hope, one wonders if we can carry something from the past year in our pockets. If there is something then 2020 that you might be missing, what would it be? Take the test and find out:

See also

Test: Does he really want you or is he stalling?

Test: how much do others envy you?

Test: how special do you feel about yourself?

What hobbies could you learn in your free time? Take our test and find out.

Tags:  Lifestyle Old-Test - Psyche Old-Couple