Stains of color: how to make your laundry perfect again

Making the washing machine is child's play. But always having shiny, clean, stain-proof laundry is less easy than you might think. Discover the secrets to transform yourself into a true expert!

How does one stain with color

Sometimes it happens to find some clothes stains of color. Maybe a dark garment stained a lighter garment, or you got dirty with gouache, or while playing with your children. If you are an expert in restoration, painting, wall dyeing or decoupage, you know what we are talking about and you are quite used to splashes of color. A classic also for mothers. How many times have you had an apron all messed up with color? Normal washes are not enough to send them away, but there is positive news, all the stains of dye treated in the right way can disappear! Are you ready to defeat them all? Obviously we will give priority to natural and non-polluting remedies ideal for removing this type of stains. One of the many ways to take care of your home and laundry while saving money.

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© iStock How to clean the house in an ecological way

How to remove paint stains with gouache

Tempera has an oily base. This type of stain, typical to be found on children's clothes, must be eliminated with dish detergent, preferably with lemon which has a very effective acid component. If you have a different dish detergent, don't worry, add a few drops of lemon to your detergent and you will have the same result and the same ability to dissolve fat. Let the color stain dry: use the detergent to pre-treat then immerse the garment in warm water (where you will have dissolved some detergent anyway). The garment should be left to soak for a few hours and then you can proceed with the usual washing. This procedure is very suitable for gouache paints, varnish, watercolors and all colors that children use.

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How to deal with transferred color spots

If the color halos have not gone away or if the stain is due to transferred colors, the best remedy is a degreaser. Spray a little on the stain area and scrub with a brush. Leave the product to act for a few hours and then wash it in the washing machine. If it is grass, an excellent solution is given by ammonia which mixed with cold water is able to eliminate this particularly stubborn stain. Always do a test on a flap of hidden fabric so as not to damage your garments! If the grass stains are a little faded but not completely eliminated, you can finish with water and vinegar, moistening the faded stain with a soft cloth and then wash it again in the washing machine which should solve the problem. Always remember to read the information on the label of the garments before washing them!

How to get rid of stubborn color spots

Have you tried at least one parodi remedies without success? If you are dealing with a stubborn stain of color then get the Marseille soap in flakes, an effective and decisive solution! Use it only on resistant fabrics because on the most delicate garments you could even cause irreparable damage.
If it is jeans or resistant fabric, Marseille soap will be very effective. Boil soap in a pot with water and soak the clothes to be removed for at least an hour: the very hot water and the stain-removing power of Marseille soap will solve everything!

How to remove color spots from delicate fabrics

As we have seen, Marseille soap is effective but is not suitable for the most delicate fabrics. If you need to remove a stain of color from the linen, for example, it is better to choose cold milk combined with lemon juice. An all natural mix that does not damage delicate fabrics but also manages to eliminate transferred stains. The procedure is simple: leave the garment to soak in cold milk for 30 minutes and then scrub with an old toothbrush or a soft sponge sprinkled with lemon juice. Finish with a machine wash in lukewarm water: bye bye stains!

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When the color spot is due to a washing error

Sometimes, busy with a thousand commitments, it happens to get the wrong washing or even worse to mix garments that should not be washed together. Hot water and detergent cause the transfer of color from one dress to another. So you find yourself a closet full of faded clothes! Color transfer is common if you wash everything together and don't use the specific sheets to trap the lost color from the garments. Color transfer almost always occurs with cotton garments (unlike synthetics which are previously dyed and therefore are less subject to color release). The first thing to do if you have transferred the color from one end to the other is not to immerse it in hot water. Hot water sets the color and therefore makes it more difficult to remove the stain. Remember to always wash in cold or lukewarm water! If white laundry (which should always be washed separately!) Takes
color the situation can be solved with the use of bleach or with a stain remover, preferably in gel, used both for pretreatments and as a complement to washing in addition to normal laundry detergent. If, on the other hand, the dress has faded to its own color, the advice is to let it soak in a basin with vinegar and ice for an hour and then wash it again in the washing machine. When it comes to another garment that has released its color on a dress of a different color, the latter must also be soaked overnight and pretreated with one of the liquid products on the market enriched with bicarbonate. If despite this procedure the stain does not go away you can try with the specific bleach for the colors and then with a washing in the washing machine in lukewarm water. From now on, however, in the washing machine, always use the practical sheets of paper to avoid the release of color!

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