Test: what beach sport are you?

Beach and relaxation or beach and physical activity? Who says they don't go in the same direction? Who does not like to spend at least an hour on the beach playing sports? In truth there are many who do not contemplate any sporting activity on the beach. Yet those who practice soprt on the beach say that it is a real cure-all, for the body and for the mind Obviously we are not all predisposed for every kind of surf. First of all watch the video of the baby surfers:

Test: what beach sport are you?

Playing sports is not necessarily an "imposition from above". There are very fun team games, games where you need to move, challenges between open friends and challenges with the waves. It happens that even those who are not very surprised, choose to do something dynamic when they are at the sea, just to relax and enjoy their summer to the fullest. So if you want to find out what is the perfect beach sport for you, here is the test that will reveal it to you:

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