10 myths about women and sexuality that have broken the boxes

There are many clichés about women, starting with those about the strange powers of menstruation to ending with the obsessions of women like "I can't live without makeup", "thin is beautiful", "I can't live without a man". The oldest, but often also the most annoying, are those that affect our sexuality, our way of living this universe and our way of relating to our partner. How tired are we of hearing them spread around the world? Too! Let's see together those we just can't stand anymore!

1. Women feel less desire than men

Lie, total lie. We get indignant if we find that men have an average of 10 erections a day, but the truth is that we too often think about sex, only we generally do it in a less obvious and brazen way than men. They are more likely to share their sexual fantasies or comments. We are more likely to keep everything inside, or rather, we make thoughts fly more frequently without necessarily opening our mouths. In short, a bit "as if" the approach to male and female sexuality were dictated in principle by the genital projection: external vs internal.

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2. For women, sex is not important

Sacrilege! Nothing could be more false! We women love sex like any other sexually active creature. We love it because we are thinking beings with a strong sensitivity in those parts. We love it because it makes us feel free, satisfied, physically and mentally fulfilled. And we consider it a relevant and important part of our life, like family, work, children, partner and so on and so forth.

3. Once engaged, married or mother, the woman changes ...

All true, there are changes in everyday habits, schedules, commitments, without a shadow of a doubt. But this does not mean that our desire fades or fades. Having a partner or a partner stabilizes life, as does having children, but we are always willing to carve out time to devote to sexuality.Indeed, at 20, as well as at 30 or 50, at all ages, a woman likes to make love and likes to be considered the object of her partner's sexual drive.

4. Women don't masturbate

There is no greater lie, just as there is no more complicated taboo to break down. Female masturbation has always been seen as a big secret not to be shared, just like the fact that women also watch porn. And it still remains a taboo today: only 60% of women say they have already practiced masturbation. And the remaining 40%? Does he not, or does he not say? The only certainty we have is that masturbation helps to understand oneself and one's pleasure, so it is fundamental.

5. It is not important for women to reach orgasm

Thing? Imagine a dinner at a restaurant, you and your partner. Dishes at the table, your partner finishes first and the waiter arrives and decides to remove your plate while you are still eating. Would you be happy? Would you be satisfied? The same sensation is the one we experience when, much more frequently in a heterosexual dynamic, the relationship is interrupted because the partner has already reached orgasm, and the woman has nothing! In short, even if we like to make love in all situations. its nuances, we too love and want orgasm! PS. here are some suggestions!

See also: The 40 best Kamasutra positions to reach orgasm (her!)

© iStock The female orgasm in 40 positions

6. Women who indulge themselves immediately are no good

And that's it, but are we still at this? Every woman is free to do what she wants with her sexuality, who to date and on what terms. It is not my choices that define what I am, at most the opposite. Going to bed one night with an interested person with whom we have a good feeling does not make us bad, but simply people who are masters of their own lives, who choose what to do with their genital organs!

7. They need to love to make love

There was a time when it was true, but only because we were forced to. We were socially obliged to make love only after marriage. Today we are free, or we must make sure that we are free, and be autonomous enough to distinguish between sex and making love, considering that one does not exclude the other or abandoning the idea that one is wrong and the other right.

8. All women love cunnilingus

Although it may seem strange, it is not. 75% of women have experienced it but, according to an American survey, 25% of women would even be bothered by these oral caresses, out of embarrassment or simply because they find the sensation unpleasant. In short, not all of us are crazy about cunnilingus. Solution ? Talk, communicate, share before proceeding by assumptions that not all of us share!

© Getty

9. A woman whose vagina does not naturally lubricate is a woman who has no desire

Maybe yes maybe no. Sporadic vaginal dryness can have several causes. Stress, hormonal fluctuations, lack of sexual activity, medical care have to be considered. Therefore, lack of vaginal lubrication usually has nothing to do with desire. But they can also be connected. If you find yourself in it. in a similar condition, and there are no particular problems, perhaps it is our mind that tells us that that thing is not exactly as we imagined it. In short, our vagina speaks to us, let's listen to it more!

10. A woman's pleasure depends on the size of the penis

It is a huge problem for men, who think that orgasm and female pleasure simply depend on the size of the penis. All this is absolutely false, since the depth of the vagina is limited, and the G-spot is located about 4 cm from the entrance. In short, the keys to female pleasure reside elsewhere: in the foreplay, in the knowledge of the partner's body and, of course, in your ability!

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