High-protein diets

Zoom on proteins

Proteins, or protids, are mostly composed of amino acids. The latter form the cellular structure and the supporting tissue of the organism which is partially renewed every day. In all, there are 20 amino acids, of which 8 are called "indispensable" or "essential", because the human body does not know how to manufacture them.

Like carbohydrates and lipids, proteins are macronutrients, because they bring energy to the body (1 g of protein = 4 Kcal). They are really essential and must represent at least 15% of the global daily energy intake.

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Proteins are present in the diet. In particular, we find them in foods of animal origin (such as meats, poultry, cured meats, fish, eggs, crustaceans, dairy products, cheeses), but also of vegetable origin (complete foods, legumes, soy, seeds, oily fruit, tubers, roots, mushrooms).

Because they help you lose weight

- Relieve hunger. Protein is very filling, which means that after a meal rich in these substances, you are less inclined to nibble.

- Develop muscles. With a low-calorie diet without proteins, muscle mass loses. With a high-protein diet, only fat is eliminated! This is a good thing, as not only do muscles take up less volume - and you get into pants that fit tightly more easily - but they also burn calories permanently, which fat cannot do ...

- They make you feel less tired. Contrary to classic low-calorie diets, a diet rich in proteins provides a feeling of well-being, good mood, dynamism. You don't feel tired at the slightest movement, on the contrary: you can even play sports!

- They give energy to the organism. High-protein diets are not harmful to the organism. On the contrary, they improve basic metabolism, the functioning of hormones, immunity, bone strength, heart and vascular health ...

Lose weight with protein

Protein-based diets consist of consuming a lot of protein (at least in the recommended daily quantities, i.e. 1gr per pound of body mass). They all start with a sugar-free phase (neither starchy nor sugary products) and with very little fat. The latter are gradually reintroduced into the diet according to the weight results.This type of diet is mainly based on natural proteins (you eat only food rich in protein and low in calories: fresh cheeses, yogurt, eggs, meats and lean fish), and meal replacements (every day you eat a preparation - soups , bars, creams - rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, but low in calories - from 200 to 400 Kcal / portion). In both cases, it is completed with vegetables and lean dairy products.

Advantages, drawbacks, advice

The pros. With this type of diet, weight loss is often rapid, even in "difficult" cases. The body is guaranteed the protein supplies it needs. You are rarely hungry and you don't feel tired.

The cons. Consuming too much protein, at the expense of fats and sugars, puts a strain on the kidneys and liver. Monotonous and restrictive, these diets often cause frustration. It is difficult to stabilize the weight lost, especially in the absence of a solid nutritional rehabilitation phase. In the long run, the failures are numerous.

Advice. Ideal for those motivated by rapid weight loss, this method is only useful if it is part of a larger food rehabilitation program. In any case, it is better to prefer natural proteins and use meal replacements only in exceptional cases. These foods are unappetizing, not very filling and lead you to eat alone. With natural proteins, on the other hand, you can share your meals, or go to a restaurant with friends. Finally, try to respect the stages of reintroduction of carbohydrates and lipids.

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